Robert Belanger (9 March 2012)
"The Great Lie Concerning the Removal of the Church"

Dear Friends in Christ,
The following material from two web sites is on the great lie that many Christians believe and may lead to their exclusion from the kingdom until the completion of the first half of the Tribulation to experience trials that will induce spiritual maturity, at last.
It is important to us all that we understand and live with a true knowledge of the great lie that exists throughout organized Christianity, but is not supported by Scripture. This lie keeps many immature Christians from even seeking to perform works from their faith towards those in need in our world.
Dear friends, we need to become spiritually mature in our faith, if we are not yet there, as soon as possible, before it is too late. Make it your goal to provide as much support, prayer and gifts to those in need, as a demonstration of what true Christian living is about. I pray that every reader will hear my message and give it consideration.
The following quote is from an article that can be read after reading the Lyn Mize article below for further details from another viewpoint, arriving at the identical conclusion: most Christians are immature in their faith and will not be invited into the Millennial kingdom until they are matured by passing through the first half of the Tribulation.
"Nothing short of Tribulation horrors will shock the main mass of the
converted into maturity at last."
The Removal of the Church From the Earth by D.M. Panton
Read the following article excerpt (and the full article later) first.
(Excerpts from article by Lyn Mize in with permission granted provided no changes are made. The complete article should be read to obtain all of the details supporting the view of the author based on Scripture and to learn more about the Separation of the faithful and unfaithful believers.) 
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie. (2 Th 2:10-11 NIV)

This passage of Scripture is one of the most misunderstood passages in the Bible. The first error that theologians make in interpreting this passage is to assume it is talking about spiritually unsaved people. This passage is addressing believers who are not open to the truth of the Word of God, and consequently lose their souls at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
There has been much speculation about the lie that will apparently come from God, so that many will actually prefer to believe this lie instead of the truth. There are three primary questions that need to be answered to understand this passage of Scripture. I will state and answer these three questions in a very brief format, and then I will address the questions in more detail from the Scriptures—not from mere speculation.

Question 1: What is this lie that God would actually send out?

Answer: Paul gives the subject of the lie in the first few verses of this subtopic. The subject of the lie pertains to the Second Coming of our Lord and the Rapture of the Church. The actual lie itself is that the entire Church will be Raptured before the tribulation begins.

Question 2: Who are the recipients of this lie or doctrinal error that comes from God?

Answer: Paul identifies the recipients of this lie in verse three where he warns the Christians in Thessalonika against this deception. Consequently, the recipients of this lie are Christians.

Question 3: Why would God send out a lie to His own people, the Church, for them to be deceived?

Answer: Paul gives the answer to this question in verse 10 by stating that they did not love the truth and refused to receive it. Therefore, God sent them what they wanted and loved, THE LIE.
The teaching about the Rapture of the entire Church before the tribulation period comes from God through the great majority of pastors and teachers in the Church today. This is what they wanted to believe, so God has obliged them to believe the error, but they will be greatly censured for believing this error.
The most popular authors and teachers in the Church today teach this error. They are Christians who teach it and not Satan’s emissaries. This is why this passage clearly states that it is God who sends the strong delusion (i.e., effectual working error) so they will believe THE LIE.

One easily sees how strong this delusion (doctrinal error) is when a Christian attempts to teach the truth about the Firstfruits Rapture. This Christian is persecuted, smitten, ostracized, and made an example for all to see. There are few stout-hearted Christians who are willing to stand up to all of the Christians operating under this strong delusion.

I have seen numerous Christians fight the doctrine of the Separation, in spite of the numerous and clear passages of Scripture that teach this truth. It is this “strong delusion” that causes otherwise sincere and trustworthy Christians to pervert and distort the Scriptures to mean something other than what they clearly state. I have seen many good exegetes who understood the Scriptures in regard to the kingdom and the difference between spirit and soul salvation.
However, they become obstinate, closed-minded, and downright mean when they are confronted with the truth and the Scriptures that teach the coming separation of faithful Christians from unfaithful Christians. These Christians are operating under this “strong delusion” and they are unteachable.

I have several friends who opposed me tooth and nail on this teaching about the Separation, but they finally came around after years of opening up the Scriptures in regard to this truth. One very good friend heard about these truths for about two years, and he attended our Bible studies for about three months steady one time. We would discuss and open up the Scriptures each week on the Firstfruits Rapture. Finally, one night he broke down and wept and stated that he saw this in the Scriptures and it was very clear.
He then made a statement that I already knew to be true. He said, “I was unable to see it because I did not want to see it.” The same is true with numerous Christians who argue, debate, and provide an endless list of reasons—but no Scripture—as to why the Firstfruits Rapture is not true. It is very frustrating for those of us who clearly see the Firstfruits Rapture in literally hundreds of Scriptures.
It is very important for us to be patient with these Christians who are unable to see it because they are operating under this “strong delusion”. One day soon all of these Christians are going to see and understand the Firstfruits Rapture. We need to pray that they will overcome this delusion and see it before the Firstfruits Rapture takes place.
