Richard (13 March 2012)
"Re: "The Jacob Code - The Key of Padan-Aram" - Daniel Matson"

This along with other items found here on this site would seem to support 2024 as the end of the 70th Week. "
Dear Daniel,
In all due respect, brother, you do err in that you fail to realize that the 70th week began (as brother Ron Reese has abundantly demonstrated) on October 29, 2008, when President Obamanation confirmed his "covenant with many". Unfortunatly, you stubbornly stick to your preconceived notions (owing to your Multnomah Bible College indoctrination) such as some so-called (albeit unScriptural - it is a 'hobbled together' doctrine) "7 year tribulation", as well as the forced interpretaion that said covenant must be "a peace treaty between the Antichrist and Israel."
Daniel, I would encourage you to consider the following (
"...J.R. Church has been consistent in his belief that the 70th week of Daniel has to be during a 7-year Sabbatical cycle. I have seen him get excited about the possible Rapture during 1987, 1994, 2001, and 2008, because these years were the beginning of 7-year Sabbatical cycles. With the autumn of 2008 thru the autumn of 2015 being another 7-year Sabbatical cycle, it seems the perfect time for the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel to begin, AND I BELIEVE IT HAS!!!
So much evidence has come forth this year, concerning 2015, including the lunar and solar eclipses right before and right after Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015. Jesus told us there would be evidence of his 2nd Coming in the sun, moon, and stars. Do you believe Him??? According to Bonnie Gaunt’s “Jubilee Study”, in her Aug. 10, 2006, letter on Five Doves, and several others, the autumn of 2015 begins not just a new Sabbatical year but also a JUBILEE YEAR!!! WOW!!! That only happens once every 50 years.

Ted Porter of Five Doves has been pointing to this same exact 7-year period of Oct. 29, 2008 thru Sept. 23, 2015, for being the the Final 7 Years for quite some time and has even written a booklet about it. I urge you to use the search engine on Five Doves and type in Ted Porter. He will give you much more information about this 7-year period that began last week than I can give you here. 7 X 7 = one Jubilee cycle. It is extremely likely that God would give Israel one Jubilee cycle from the highly significant day of June 7, 1967, when they recaptured their holy city of Jerusalem. 7 X 7 X 360 days (a Jewish year) from that all-important day of June 7, 1967, takes us to Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, right to the day!!! Amazing!!! This should be the Final Day of the Final 7 Years, when Jesus returns at the Battle of Armageddon. Everything points to this being the case.
Sir Isaac Newton devoted a good share of his life to studying Bible Prophecy, especially the Book of Daniel. Newton teaches us, concerning the 70 weeks of Daniel, that the reason there is a separation in Daniel, Chapter 9, between 62 weeks of 7 years each and 7 weeks of 7 years each, is that the last seven weeks of seven years, or 7 X 7, or 49 years, are for the end-times, after Israel has been restored as a nation. Most Bible Prophecy experts put the starting point, for the end days at June 7, 1967, the day that Israel re-captured Jerusalem, in the famous 6-Day War. June 7, 1967, is the date of the budding of the fig tree, Israel.

Sir Isaac Newton devoted a good share of his life to studying Bible Prophecy, especially the Book of Daniel. Newton teaches us, concerning the 70 weeks of Daniel, that the reason there is a separation in Daniel, Chapter 9, between 62 weeks of 7 years each and 7 weeks of 7 years each, is that the last seven weeks of seven years, or 7 X 7, or 49 years, are for the end-times, after Israel has been restored as a nation. Most Bible Prophecy experts put the starting point, for the end days at June 7, 1967, the day that Israel re-captured Jerusalem, in the famous 6-Day War. June 7, 1967, is the date of the budding of the fig tree, Israel.

I believe, and the abundance of convincing evidence shows that Newton was correct in his interpretation. There will be one complete Jubilee cycle of 49 years from the start date for the end-times, June 7, 1967, to the end date of the 70th Week of Daniel, and the end date of the Great Tribulation. If you multiply 49, the number of years in one complete Jubilee cycle, by 360, the number of days in a Jewish year (keep in mind that the Book of Revelation uses 360-day years), you get 17,650 days. Adding 17,650 days to the very famous starting date of June 7, 1967, takes us EXACTLY TO SEPT. 23, 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Either you HAVE to believe that Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, the day that Israel blows the trumpet to announce the start of their new Sabbatical cycle, and the start of their new Jubilee cycle, is the last day of the 70th Week of Daniel, or you can chalk it all up to coincidence. How logical is it that God would give his chosen nation of Israel EXACTLY ONE COMPLETE JUBILEE CYCLE BEFORE HIS RETURN TO EARTH.
Douglas Richard Daniels