Paul N. F. (9 March 2012)


        By A. W. Tozer

    For what hath man of all his labour . . . wherein he hath
    laboured under the sun?  Ecclesiastes 2:22

        It is all but impossible these days to get people to pay
    any attention to things that really matter.  The broad cynic
    in our modern civilization is likely to ask:  "What really
    matters, after all?"

       It  is  our  personal  relationship  to  God  that really

       That takes priority over everything else; for no man can
    afford to live or die under the frowning displeasure of
    God.  Yet, name one modern device that can save him
    from it.  Where can a man find security?  Can philosophy
    help him?  or psychology?  or science?  or atoms or wonder
    drugs or vitamins?

        Only Christ can help him, and His aid is as old as man's
    sin and man's need.

        A few other things matter to be sure.  We must trust
    Christ completely.  We must carry our cross daily.  We
    must love God and our fellow men.  We must fulfill our
    commission as ambassadors of Christ among men.  We
    must grow in grace and in the knowledge of God and
    come at last to our end like a ripe shock of corn at harvest

       These are the things that really matter!

    Yours in Christ,
    Paul N. F.