Pineman (5 March 2012)
"Beyond Tom Horn's Prophecy of the Popes"

Dear John & Fellow Watchers:

It looks like "Saint" Malachy was not the only one getting advanced info for these the end days. On 12/12/1531 Juan Diego's tilma (The Link Between The Tilma of Juan Diego, Revelation 12:1,) was imprinted with a star-chart pointing to May 09, 2013!!! The man (Casey ????) who cracked this code calls this date "the gathering of the elect" since Roman Catholic Theology admits of no pre-tribulation resurrection & rapture. The May 09, 2013 date happens to be Ascension Thursday!

So, if we fast forward from December 21, 2012 to May 09, 2013 the tally is 140 inclusive days (20 weeks).  Fast forward another 20 inclusive weeks to September 26, 2013 (Shmini Atzeret).  Without bothering with the inclusive days the simple calculation is that 280 days from December 21, 2012 is September 27, 2013 (Simchat Torah); the projected start of the Tribulation. If terms like 280 days or 40 weeks sound familiar they should because that is the time spam of a full term pregnancy from LMP to birth; in this case the birth of the real Tribulation with the real AntiChrist confirming a real Covenant.

So, if things don't go according to your prognostications this spring and/or fall then you may want to consider this scenario rather than defaulting to a pre-wrath, post trib position.
