Patrick (28 March 2012)

Hello Dana,
What happened ???  You were supposed to go make coffee !!!!!!!
After reading your response, I at first wanted to write back in a way that was really me trying to show you that I am right, and you are wrong.  I had scriptures in mind and everything.  Then we would just wind up goin "round and round the Mulberry bush".  Then the BEAUTIFUL HOLY SPIRIT tugged my heart, and with tears I write: thank you for your response.  Obviously, you are very passionate in how you feel.  That's the great thing about the 5 Doves--it CONSTANTLY challenges me.  I need to go back to THE WORD to delve deeper, to search more, to ask/pray for more understanding, and this is ALWAYS A GOOD THING.  As I often say, I believe the number one tactic of the enemy is TO KEEP US OUT OF THE WORD.
I also wanted to point out to you that I did not write the article.  I just posted it because it touched my heart deeply, and was led to post so that it might touch others as well. (and it looks like it did--imagine, JESUS can use this cracked, leaking, broken vessal to accomplish good--now THAT really goes to show you how incredible our GOD is !!!!!)
Also, let me share with you what I believe I have shared here before--and that is this:  You may be much, much farther along in your relationship with JESUS, and how that relationship effects your daily life/walk than many other people, and have been able to get to that point where your walk is reflecting a loving obedience.  I admit, I am not there.  I truly long to be, but I am not.  So, I ask for us who long, but are not there yet, that you try to have a little compassion for the rest of us.