Mike W (9 March 2012)
"reply to Frank Molver"

Hi Frank
I am not going to spend a lot of time on this because I can see your mind is made up with such a corrupt doctrine of thinking Jesus can not do it all but that I need to help. That is a complete different doctrine than the Bible teaches.
You claim you must have at least 1 fig on the tree. I have no idea what that means but if you are depending on your own good works you would need the whole tree. If you fail in 1 thing you are none of his. I really am sad for you to make such a statement and I quote your statement"If any person is relying on the blood of Jesus Christ to represent their holiness, even as they still do sins of the flesh, they will be put to shame". Are you kidding me. Again are you saying Jesus could not take away all my sins.
I will take one example of your quotes you pull out of context. Ephesians 5:5- 5 about how Paul is telling us not to be partners with anyone that is disobedient. No one who tells jokes or has sexual immorality in fact in verse 3 from the NIV translation says there cannot even be a hint of these sins. He is telling the "saved" Christian to not act like the "unsaved" disobedient people. All you have to do is extend down to verse 8 and I quote"For you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord, live as children of light" Paul is telling an already group of Christians how to live. They are now light in the Lord. Live like it. They must need his guidance on these things and must be "sinning" and he is trying to get them to live and serve the Lord.
For your information although you seem to think you have quit sinning from some of the verses you pull out of context, we are all still sinners. Our old flesh can do not good.
And as far as the 1 fig on the fig tree comment (which I assume you are speaking of a good deed) Romans 4:5 "For the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness"  WOW you see Frank a person does not need that 1 fig. If you are building on the rock of your own good deeds you will surely stumble.
Do you think you have no more Sin???
Mike W