Mike Curtiss (5 March 2012)
"Likens Himself To Gandhi And Nelson Mandela"

Posted on March 2, 2012
Dear Doves,

                  Now, the President likens himself to 'real great man of peace'. All despite blowing up every suspect vehicle that moves inside
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Brentwood. Once again, Hussein says exactly the opposite of what's the current bloodthirsty reality. Either
fight this war to win or bring everybody home right now.
                 Why am I not surprised that a known fraud like Hussein would once again make up a new reality for himself. We need to be
constant in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and the leaders of our nation both civilian and military. Thank you all for your
inspiration and prayers for my healing and protection. I won't stop fighting for you and until I draw my last breath.


                                                                                                             Mike Curtiss

Obama Likens Himself To Gandhi And Nelson Mandela
"The civil rights movement was hard. Winning the vote for women was hard. Making sure that workers had some basic protections was hard," President Obama said at a fundraiser while talking about how difficult it is to bring about "change" in politics.

"Around the world, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, what they did was hard. It takes time. It takes more than a single term. It takes more than a single president. It takes more than a single individual," Obama said.

"What it takes is ordinary citizens who keep believe, who are committed to fighting and pushing and inching this country closer and closer to our highest ideals. And I said in 2008, 'that I am not a perfect man and I will not be a perfect president.' But I promised you, but I promised you, I promised you back then that I would always tell you what I believe. I would always tell you where I stood," he also said at a fundraiser in NYC.