Michael Colunga (28 March 2012)
"RE: RFID Chip Implants - Hidden Secret In Obamacare - Coming 3/23/13--HR 3200, pages 1001-1008, "national medical device registry""

Hello, John and Doves,
You all might want to check this out:  http://ppjg.me/2010/03/30/required-rfid-implanted-chip-sec-2521-pg-1000-the-government-will-establish-a-national-medical-device-registry/.  This is reliable, imho.  The explanations are clear and self-explanatory.
The reason that many Bible-believing Christians will not believe what's in front of their eyes is because of what Obama himself said.  He said for Congress to pass HR3200 first, then make corrections later.  As a result, the man of sin is orchestrating a shell game with the souls of many at stake.  This is why the saved have their names written down before the dawn of time.  Without such a guarantee, many more would be damned than are now meeting their destiny--their unmitigated karma.
Let's say, "It is the karma of all dogs to go to heaven."  That means that even a dog with an RFID can make it to heaven, because the RFID is not a mark of its rebellion.
However, if a man or woman takes an RFID knowingly, and fails to rip it out, their rebellion is complete!  But if they rip out the RFID they didn't know they had [like Arnold Schwarzenegger did in the film version of Philip K. Dick's novelette, We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in April 1966)Total Recall, from Carolco studio, distributed by TriStar Pictures, 1990]. then they can be saved.  What a nightmare scenario!!!  The truth is stranger than fiction.  The truth shall set you free!  Knowing the truth is half the battle!
Any questions?  We'll talk on the way up!
Baruch HaShem Yeshua Ha Mashiach,
Mike C.