MathMan (28 March 2012)
"Ron Reese's Post Today is a MUST READ!!"


Dear Doves,


Last night, Ron Reese forwarded me a copy of a post to be put on Five Doves today and it is an absolute MUST READ!!  Ron meticulously outlines, in one place, all of the amazing pieces of evidence so strongly pointing towards the 2008 – 2015 timeline as the Lord’s timeline.  This includes references to incredibly diligent and stellar work by respected writers such as Kevin Heckle and Gerry Almond.


If you are not excited about the Rapture being EXTREMELY NEAR after reading this excellent piece, nothing will excite you!!


My brothers and sisters in Christ, we are on the brink of our long awaited and longed for Departure.  The Trumpet is being polished for use and in the very near future the Father will be telling the Son to call up His Bride for the best wedding of eternity!!


Look up, our redemption draws near!!


YbiC, MathMan