MathMan (28 March 2012)
"I'm a Chemtrail Skeptic"


Dear Doves,


I have to admit that I am a Chemtrail Skeptic.  Everything I have read about the New World Order / Illuminati / Freemasons to date is that they will strike the world suddenly and with great power.  According to the Bible, no one will stop them and they won’t be able to proceed until the Restrainer is removed.


In contrast, these supposed Chemtrails are believed by some to release chemicals that reduce, among other things, fertility and life expectancy.  It is my personal opinion that this kind of attack would not fit in with the Globalists style.


I ask in advance that you refrain from posting any material to me trying to prove that Chemtrails are occurring.  I have already read an abundance of material on Chemtrails and still conclude that this is just way too subtle and risky an attack for these evil doers to take a chance on.


Indeed, I believe that huge and catastrophic will be the name of their game (as confirmed in the Bible).  In other words, it is prophesied to be “PEACE & SAFETY THEN Sudden Destruction as a snare on an unsuspecting world”.  Chemtrails just doesn’t fit in with their MO.


I sincerely apologize in advance for any feathers I may have ruffled with this opinion.  Who knows, Chemtrails may be happening, but I personally just can’t see this type of activity being lucrative enough for these globalists to waste their time doing this.


As per other posters on Five Doves, I encourage all Doves to keep their eyes open for the possibility of an early April Rapture.  I have a strange feeling that the March 30th Global March to Jerusalem may just turn out to be the spark that lights the fuse leading to our longed for Departure!!


YbiC, MathMan