Marilyn Agee (28 March 2012)
"Pineman (22 March 2012) Jubilee years"

From: Marilyn Agee
Re: Michael Colunga (27 March 2012)
"RE: Pineman--Jubilee years"
> > the year that the children of Israel entered the Promised Land, on or near Yom Kippur (the end of the grape harvest)
Are you sure? I thought they crossed the Jordan then kept Passover.
> > the year of the 70th Jubilee, 5776. Jubilee is to be proclaimed on Yom Kippur of the start of the Jubilee year, and then the Jubilee year begins on Tabernacles.
As I understand it, the Jubilee year is to be announced on Yom Kippur and start on the following Nisan 1. That is the beginning of the Sacred, Regnal and Jubilee years. At Mt. Sinai, the Lord told them to make Nisan (Abib) the beginning of the year.
> > the year of Jubilee, so that when we find out when it is, then that must be the year of Christ's return.
I agree. Nisan 1, 5776 will be April 9, 2016. In 30 AD, Jesus returned on April 9 to show us this.
> > There is much more about the year of Jubilee, so that when we find out when it is, then that must be the year of Christ's return.

Witness the scripture, "For [it is] the day of the LORD'S vengeance, [and] the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion."


I think the Day of God’s Wrath will be Tishri 1, 5776, Sept 14, 5776, and the Second Advent will be Nisan 1, 5776, April 9, 2016.


> > the Jubilee counts are every 49 years


I agree. A Jubilee Year must follow a Sabbatic Year. If the Jubilee cycle was 50 years, it would not always follow a Sabbatic Year. The Lord would have fed them for those two years without them having to work the fields if they had let him.


> > Fact: The year 33 AD was the year of shmita for its 7-year count. Three shmita years later would bring us to 54 AD. Then 55 AD was the Jubilee in Paul's day.


In 27 AD, Jesus read Isa 61 on the Day of Atonement, Tishri 10, near his birthday, Tishri 1, to announce the Jubilee Year that would start the next Nisan 1, in our 28 AD, the Jubilee. There was no Jubilee between the Crucifixion and the burning of the Temple and Jerusalem in 70 AD. The red cloth did not come up white in those years, either.


> > Fact: The 70th Jubilee starts on [Must be proclaimed by Messiah Yeshua] on September 23, 2015--Yom Kippur 5776


Why does Yeshua have to proclaim the Jubilee Year? I don’t think he will return until the first day of the Jubilee Year, April 9, 2016.


> > Fact: Obama was elected (confirmed the covenant made on Oct. 29, 2008) on Nov. 4, 2008.

Fact: 7 x 360 = 2,520

Fact: Calculation results

From date:Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Added 2520 days

Resulting date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015--10 Tishrei 5776, which is Yom Kippur and the start of the 70th Jubilee from when the children of Israel entered the promised land.


I think the Tribulation began on Pentecost, May 29, 2009. The Great Tribulation is to be shortened to 2300 days (Dan 8:13,14), figured by inclusive reckoning because it is a block of time.


Thus, the first half of the Tribulation would be 1260 days, and the last half would be shortened to 1040 days. This would make Mid-Trib Nov 8/9, 2012. We should be out of here before that. I think the resurrection of the dead in Christ will be Easter/Firstfruits, April 8, 2012, and the First-Trump Rapture will be Ascension Day, May 17, 2012. Jesus played out both the Resurrection and the Rapture for us. Job 11:6 says, “And that he (God, i.e., Jesus) would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is!”


> > Jim Bramlett: “So, if you take the historic 1967 date and add the 49 years (seven sevens), you arrive at 2016. According to Newton's understanding, that may be the year of Christ's physical return to the earth -- after the Tribulation.”


I agree. It should be on the first day of the Jubilee Year, April 9, 2016. I think Jesus came back (was resurrected) on April 9 in 30 AD to show us that he would come back on April 9 in 2016.


> > Further, if you back up for a 3 1/2-year Great Tribulation, you arrive at 2012, the year many prophecy students see as the year of the pre-tribulation Rapture and the beginning of the final 3 1/2-year Great Tribulation.

I agree.



Marilyn Agee

Hello, John and Doves,
If a tree falls in the forest, and there's no one to hear it, did it still fall?
Yes! We are not God. Therefore, a thing may happen without our notice.
As such, the Jubilee years have been rolling merrily along since the count began in 2346, when the children of Israel entered the Promised Land.

It should be noted that the Jewish year 2016 starts on Rosh Hashanah, 1 Tishrei 5776, which is September 14, 2015. This equates exactly with the third valid interpretation of Daniel 9:24, which happens to be the surface meaning of the King James translation of the Scriptures.

The first meaning is the “weeks of years” interpretation, with the 69th week ending on Palm Sunday. The second meaning is the separate 70th week, which separation is necessitated by the Church Age. The third interpretation, which allows for the other two, but takes off immediately and completely from the get-go, tells us that the 70th week of years ends when the 70th Jubilee year begins. Let me explain.

The seventy sevens of shmita counts takes us from the year that the children of Israel entered the Promised Land, on or near Yom Kippur (the end of the grape harvest) of 2346 [2346=year one of the very first shmita count.] until the year of the 70th Jubilee, 5776. Jubilee is to be proclaimed on Yom Kippur of the start of the Jubilee year, and then the Jubilee year begins on Tabernacles. In the same way, Yeshua Ha Mashiach will usher in the Golden Age of Israel, beginning with the proclamation of the Jubilee year on Yom Kippur, 5776.

How do I figure out when is the year of Jubilee?

According to the Reverend Charles Ludwidge Dodgson, you begin at the beginning, go until you come to the end, and then stop.

So let's begin at Leviticus.

"Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD.

"Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof;

"But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.

"That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: [for] it is a year of rest unto the land.

"And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee,

"And for thy cattle, and for the beast that [are] in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat.

"And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.

"Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth [day] of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.

"And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout [all] the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

"A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather [the grapes] in it of thy vine undressed.

"For it [is] the jubilee; it shall be holy unto you: ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field.

"In the year of this jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession.

Leviticus 25:2-13 KJV

There is much more about the year of Jubilee, so that when we find out when it is, then that must be the year of Christ's return.

Witness the scripture,

"For [it is] the day of the LORD'S vengeance, [and] the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion."

Isaiah 34:8

You are welcome to read the context of judgment and to work out the meaning of this strange passage.

Why do I call it strange? We are used to a loving God that let's His enemies frolic about until they drop dead and go to hell, or repent and be welcomed into their new eternal home, Heaven.

Now, let's get back to the subject at hand. When is the day of the LORD's vengeance? Let me give you a clue. Yeshua read only part of a scripture--this hinting at the two halves of His coming. The full scripture is,

"The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound;

"To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

"To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified."

Isaiah 61:1-3

Jesus stopped speaking at the phrase, "the acceptable year of the LORD." The wrath is not meant for Eretz Israel, but for her enemies. So as not to give His countrymen false hope, nor dash their hopes, Jesus did not say outright when He would come, but gave clues only. Even so, the clues point directly to facts in our age.

That being said, let us look at the facts.

Fact: Daniel 9:24 predicts that the seventieth seven of shmita counts will see the anointing of the Most Holy.

Fact: The children of Israel entered the promised land in the fall of 1415 BC, at or around Yom Kippur, the end of the grape harvest. This would have been 2346. According to Leviticus 25:2-13, quoted above, this is when the shmita count starts.

Fact: 7 X 7 = 49, and no count is mentioned starting after the 50th year, therefore the 50th year always is the first year of the count up to the next Jubilee. We have, 1[=the year 2346] + 49 = the 50th year. Therefore, the Jubilee counts are every 49 years, with 2346 + 49 = 2395--the first Jubilee.

Fact: The year 33 AD was the year of shmita for its 7-year count. Three shmita years later would bring us to 54 AD. Then 55 AD was the Jubilee in Paul's day.

"When the Shmita year ends, personal debts which are due during that year are considered nullified and forgiven." Therefore, in a manner of speaking, the acceptable year of the LORD had arrived in 33 AD, but only in the manner mandated by a shmita year. It is curious to note that Jesus cancelled all our personal debt to God for all time for all believers in Christ. [Those who have not as yet trusted Yeshua as Savior need only ask.]

Fact: The 70th Jubilee starts on [Must be proclaimed by Messiah Yeshua] on September 23, 2015--Yom Kippur 5776. [2346 + (70 x 49) = 5776] [see also Leviticus 25:2-13]

Fact: Obama was elected (confirmed the covenant made on Oct. 29, 2008) on Nov. 4, 2008.

Fact: 7 x 360 = 2,520

Fact: Calculation results

From date:Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Added 2520 days

Resulting date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015--10 Tishrei 5776, which is Yom Kippur and the start of the 70th Jubilee from when the children of Israel entered the promised land.

Why does this scenario work, drawing insight from mostly the Tanakh?

The Tanakh is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Tanakh revealed. So Jesus gave us a clue--a freebie, if you will. End of story.

Baruch HaShem Adonai Roi

[Blessed be the Name, "The LORD (YHWH) is my Shepherd."],

Mike C.

See also the post by Jim Bramlett, below.


Jim Bramlett (15 March 2012)
Sir Isaac Newton and 2012"

Dear friends:

Back in the mid-1990s, I discovered a book by the great Sir Isaac Newton: Newton's Prophecies of Daniel, republished in 1991 by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, 2251 Dick George Road, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523. It was accidentally found in the Library of Congress and was Thomas Jefferson's personal copy. Jefferson's initials are in it. I have an exact replicate of that book, including Jefferson's initials. The book always fascinated me.

If the brilliant Sir Isaac Newton was correct in his interpretation of Daniel, the prophet to whom God gave specific timing, then the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will be very, very soon, indeed! We will soon know.

Newton, who lived 300 years ago (1642-1727), was one of the greatest geniuses in all history -- perhaps the greatest. He is called the father of modern science and the industrial revolution. He discovered many scientific laws. God chose Isaac Newton to impart many of His deepest secrets.

Newton is also said to be a devout believer in Christ and Bible scholar, fluent in ancient languages, and who translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek. He was unusually drawn to the prophet Daniel, which he began studying at age 12 and continued until he died at age 85. In fact, The Columbia History of the World, a secular history book, remarks, "At the end of his days he spent more time studying and writing about the prophecies in the Book of Daniel than he did in charting the heavens."

Did God Himself put in Newton's heart this burning desire to study Daniel, then give him the key to the timing of Christ's return? Could this be the final profound secret the Lord revealed to this godly genius near the end of his life -- a secret so simple that most have missed it? (Genius is often simple.)

Newton's understanding of one key passage in Daniel chapter 9 is fundamentally different from that of most common interpretations. In about 550 B.C., God gave the prophet Daniel a view of history to the end. >From Daniel 9:25, scholars usually add the "seven weeks (of years, or 49 years) and 62 weeks (434 years)" to get 483 years and calculate the time of Messiah's First Coming. However, Newton says there is no linguistic basis for adding those two numbers (49 and 434), and to do so is "doing violence to the language of Daniel." Newton says the two numbers separately speak of both the First and Second Coming, both being counted from the "going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem." Some commentators agree.

Newton says the "62 weeks," or 434-year part was fulfilled at the First Coming, and the "seven weeks," or 49-year part will apply to the Second Coming. And three centuries ago he saw in the Scriptures and wrote about the rebirth of Israel at a time when such a thought was preposterous. By faith, he foresaw a "friendly kingdom" someday again issuing the "commandment to restore and build Jerusalem." Now, centuries later, that "friendly kingdom" may have been the United Nations, which decreed Israel's rebirth in November, 1947, causing Israel to be reborn in May, 1948. However, Israel did not recapture and begin to rebuild Jerusalem until June, 1967.

So, if you take the historic 1967 date and add the 49 years (seven sevens), you arrive at 2016. According to Newton's understanding, that may be the year of Christ's physical return to the earth -- after the Tribulation.

Further, if you back up for a 3 1/2-year Great Tribulation, you arrive at 2012, the year many prophecy students see as the year of the pre-tribulation Rapture and the beginning of the final 3 1/2-year Great Tribulation.

It is almost upon us. Let us hope.


Pineman (22 March 2012)
"Bruce Warner - "THE 'YEAR 2016' IS THE 'MIDDLE YEAR' OF THE 'SEVEN-YEAR' PERIOD.......""

Dear Bruce & Fellow Watchers:

I decided to run a check on the numbers you mentioned in your post and find the results somewhat perplexing. Perhaps you could explain.

"The year 2016 is the middle year of the 'seven-year' period from the Feast of Trumpets 2012 to Feast of Trumpets 2019." True enough but then again 2017 is the middle year for the 2013 -2020 period!

Your next three statements have to do with the purported Jubilee years; 1967, 2016 & 2065. I was alive in 1967 and do not recall any forgiveness of debts or allowing the land to lie fallow, etc. over in Israel. Although some land rights were restored there are no Jubilees in the Church age. Remember "one swallow does not a summer make"?

You say "There are 3 1/2 years from Nisan 1, 2016 to Tishri 1, 2019 (time, times and half a time)". What happened to the 1260 days? When I do the calculation of 1260 days from Nisan 1 2016 I fast forward to Elul 21, 2019!

My conclusion is somewhat different that yours: The year 2013 should prove to be a very interesting year!
