M.A.P. (7 March 2012)

Dear John and Doves:

I'm really sad to see that the Doves website seems to be changing!  I've

noticed that people are getting irritated and angry with each other.  This is

what happens when people try to put their own spin on Bible interpretation!!!!

Somebody always thinks they are "righter" than the other guy!

Yes, we can have a good idea about the things to come, but nobody truly

knows how it's all going to work out until God's plan unfolds according to HIS

will!  Not our will!

There are some who are kinda getting off into left field there, sorry

to say. We should all know by now that date setting for the rapture, by any

means, is doomed to fail and can cause heartbreak for those who are more

sensitive, more gullible, or babies in Christ.  And I don't think the Doves

should be getting involved in astrology or numerology (gematria, if that's

what you want to call it!).  Don't you all know that's why Babel was destroyed?

God left us the Bible so we could understand His will and His plan.  He does

not need to use alot of complicated, far-out mathematical equations to "tip"

us off.  Why should He?  Why did He leave us His Word if He's just gonna

confuse simpletons like me with all that super-brain stuff?  I don't

believe it!  Please understand that I say all this out of genuine concern for

those who read this site!  Don't let those things take you away from the truth

and what's really important about the Doves site:  that the Rapture is

imminent, at the very door and we must WARN everyone we can, and pray that we,

ourselves, will be counted worthy to escape all the things that are coming

upon the earth!  Everything else is...well, just not that important.
