Lynnette (9 March 2012)
"Keep Focus/ transcripts from March  5,6,7....."


These posted messages are from three days  & worth sharing.  I just noticed  the dates as
 I listed them for you  5,6,7....:)   Lynnette

Uploaded by Lastrumpet08 on Mar 5, 2012

Keep your focus -- March 05, 2012

My children, do not lose focus in this time when things will change more and more around you and all over the world, nothing will stay the same as it use to be. Keep your focus on Me all the time, not on the things in the world. It will distract you, you will lose focus. Keep your focus on Me, seek to build My Kingdom every day for I am in control and I am building My Kingdom which is not of this world, it is in you. Those things men love and treasure more than Me and My Kingdom will be destroyed, only My Kingdom will last. You are either part of My Kingdom or the kingdoms of the world which are at enmity with Me and are an abomination to Me. They are not doing My will, but their own. You cannot be part of the worldly kingdoms and of My Kingdom. You are in the world not of it, to do My will not your own. You must make a choice, you cannot continue to love the world and its pleasures and Me. You must separate yourself from those things you use to do and the places you use to go. You must be willing to do My will. If you keep on losing focus, you cannot fulfill your Kingdom purpose. Keep your focus on Me, stay the course and follow at My pace, I lead you every step of the way. Do not get hindered, sidetracked or stop. Now is the time to keep your focus on Me and to build My Kingdom.

My children, many have lost focus already. They are focused on the wrong things and not on building My Kingdom. No matter what might happen, keep your focus on Me and continue to do My will as I instruct you. There is much work to be done in this time and time is running out. Souls are dying without Me every day. If you lose focus you cannot fulfill your Kingdom purpose successfully. You must keep your focus on Me. Seek to do My will all the time, to be pleasing to Me. I will not fail My children, I am faithful. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not look around you or to others, keep your focus on Me, obey and follow My leading, step by step, day by day. Let no one take your crown. Keep your focus and follow Me.


Uploaded by Lastrumpet08 on Mar 6, 2012

What hinders you ?-- March 06, 2012

My children, do not allow anybody or anything in this world to hinder you from following and obeying Me, doing My will, in My Kingdom. Get rid of all those things that hinder you from fulfilling your Kingdom purpose or else you will miss out. I called many but few are willing to obey their calling, they have many excuses. They are occupied with the wrong things, their priorities are not right. I know the intentions of every heart, nothing can be hidden from Me. I know what hinders but everyone must decide and take action.

My children, you must first seek My Kingdom and My Righteousness and then will I add all the other things unto you. I am faithful to My promises but are you faithful to Me? What hinders you? I know your circumstances and all your needs. Have I ever failed you? Do you trust Me that I am who I said I am and able to do, the impossible at any time.

My children, if you wish to come after Me, you must deny yourself, pick up your cross every day and follow Me willingly. Nothing must hinder you or be more important than to be obedient to Me to follow Me wherever I lead you. I must be in control, I will work all things out for good at My time for those who love Me, who are called according to My purpose. I will not fail you but I cannot force you.

My children, be on the alert, the devil knows his time is running out and He will try anything and use anybody to try to hinder or stop you from doing My will, to fulfill your Kingdom purpose. You must not fall prey to his schemes. Do not allow those who try to hinder you to succeed. They themselves are not pleasing to Me. They are not serious in fulfilling their own Kingdom purpose, therefore they will try to hinder you. Stay steadfast and obedient, continue to do My will. Let no one hinder you and take your crown.

Uploaded by Lastrumpet08 on Mar 7, 2012

I am coming back sooner than most believe and think - March 07, 2012

My children, I am warning and take heed, you must be ready all the time. I am coming back sooner than most believe and think. Will you be ready? Are you blameless, unblemished, without spot or wrinkle?

My children, there is no time to fornicate with the world, to compromise for the acceptance of mere men. It is time to be separated from those things that can soil you again. You must be unblemished all the time. You must be watching and praying without ceasing in this time. How do you know when it might be your time, will you be ready, if it is today? Am I pleased with you? Make sure with Me, and do not wait or take a chance. Many died without Me already and many more will, if they do not repent, prepare in time. Time is running out. Do not let the devil lull you to sleep, stay awake, watch and pray, be ready all the time.

My children, warn and take heed yourself. I am coming back sooner than most believe and think. Will you be ready?