Lewis Brackett (27 March 2012)
"AT the 2nd Seal War Begins"

I have believed for a long time that first the Rapture happens.
Next the Holy Spirit is removed from restraining evil, but NOT removed from the Earth as the tribulation saints will need Him.
Next the first seal happens with The AC being one of many leaders that signs the covenant with many.
Next the 2nd seal happens which is war, likely imho the Gog Magog war.
The mid trib stopping of sacrifices is about 3 years after the Gog Magog war.with the AC receiving his brief kingdom and lasting infamy
 remember that it takes 7 years to clean up the mess from that war.
I believe the 2nd coming at the time of Armageddon is about 6 years after the Gog Magog war..
the war that destroys Damascus could happen at any time, before or during the tribulation period
Lewis Brackett