K.S. Rajan (9 March 2012)
"Raja-read this"

The apostles turned the world upside down, Acts 17:6. They did this by the blood of the Lamb and word of their testimony. Is it possible for us to do the same thing today? May I humbly present a plan of action. We can also turn the world upside down. The disciples declared the crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of the Lamb of God, as should we. Shouldn’t we also be proclaiming the imminent return of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah?
The Last Trumpet is a newspaper. It belongs on newsstands all over the world!!! Imagine people picking up this newspaper at your local newsstand. They would read a dramatization about the coming Great Tribulation and a clear presentation of the gospel. Currently the paper is being distributed at over one hundred locations in the New York metropolitan area alone. How was this accomplished and why should we have a sense of urgency?
The Russian deputy foreign minister on February 22, 2012 warned Israel about attacking Iran. He said that an Israeli attack on Iran would be like an Israeli attack on Moscow. Please take a moment to glance at the front page of The Last Trumpet. The paper is a reprint from the original first published in April 1980. We added color pictures and a website. The lead story is based on Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. It deals with the destruction of a Russian lead confederacy attacking Israel in the last days. Ezekiel foretold that Persia, (modern day Iran) would be allied with Russia against Israel in the Last Days. Can you connect the dots!!! Wouldn’t it be interesting for people to read about these events before they actually occur?
The eight page Last Trumpet newspaper is on John McTernan’s website in a PDF file. You can contact a local printer that specializes in printing small local newspapers. Depending on the quantity they can be printed for as little as five cents each. You may say I’m broke, and I don’t have two nickels to rub together. If this is the case, find five friends that are also broke, put your nickels together and you will be able to print ten copies.
How did the papers get on the newsstands in New York? The newsstand owner was shown the paper and told that it deals with the economy and the Middle East. The fifty cents selling price is kept by the owner of the newsstand. You do not collect any money. The stack of 30 papers would be periodically refilled at no charge to them. There is a report that moments after the paper was put on the stand at one location a women picked it up and said in a loud voice, “when did this happen”! Another person was handed a paper and he said, “I have already read it.” He was asked how he had gotten a copy. He said he picked it up at the local newsstand.
John McTernan’s tract “Israel the Promise Kept” is also in a PDF file. For greater impact it can be printed and inserted into the newspaper before it is put on the newsstands. It is a full color one sheet tri-fold tract. It makes some startling connections. The following are some of the highlights.
October 30, 1991: President Bush initiates the
Madrid Peace Process. While he is speaking in
Spain the Perfect Storm sends 30 foot waves
against his home in Kennebunkport, ME destroying
the house.
August 24, 1992: The Madrid Peace Process transfers
to Washington and meets for the first time. On
this day Hurricane Andrew destroys southern Florida
with category 5 winds. At this time, it was the greatest
disaster in US history.
August 27, 2005: On this day, Israel removed the last
of the Jewish settlers from Gaza. This was done
under pressure from President Bush. On this day
Hurricane Katrina was named for the first time. Two
days later it slammed into New Orleans creating the
greatest disaster in US history.
May 22, 2011: President Obama spoke before the
AIPAC Policy Conference and outlined the US position
regarding Israel. He stated Israel should return to the
pre 1967 war boundaries. This includes the dividing of
Jerusalem! Approximately seven hours later, a horrific
tornado storm devastated Joplin, MO. Perhaps the
worst tornado storm in US history. For days afterwards,
the destructive tornado and the President’s
speech were headlines together on all the major
media sources!
March 2011: The link is not limited to America. For
example on March 8, Japan donated $3.1 million to the
Palestinian people and called for the creation of a
Palestinian state. The next day a 7.3 earthquake struck
off the Japanese coast. Then on March 11, the massive
9.0 Fukushima earthquake struck. This earthquake and
tsunami devastated Japan destroying 100s of miles of
coast line and killing thousands. It also created the
greatest nuclear reactor disaster in history.
The following is an awesome e-mail from India received by John McTernan about the impact of The Last Trumpet on a city!
February 29, 2012
Dear Hauser Brothers
I want to share with you as to what happened in Hyderabad, India where my son Rajkumar gave copy of Last trumphet magazine to one pastor.The pastor was so much touched by the prophecy and went straight away to computer and making the picture and the matter on a big wall poster and my son is coordinating with him for those wall posters to be posted on walls in the city of Hyderabad.Please remember this in your prayers.
In Jesus
Those of you who follow John’s website are aware that we are approaching the Time of Jacobs Trouble. If the opportunity arose in 1938 for you to warn the Jewish people about the coming holocaust, would you have taken action? The four horsemen are about to ride. If you listen carefully, you can hear the pounding of their hoofs in the distance.
Please e-mail me if you would like to participate or have any questions. The Last Trumpet can still be shipped anywhere in the world free of charge.
Please pray for Willie and I.