Kevin Heckle (31 March 2012)
"Susan B: Puzzle 444 - Jesus, Joshua, Messiah and Lucifer"



I reported on this quite some time ago (excluding Joshua), but just a brief synopsis of your puzzle is:


Using English gematria by which A=6, B=12, C=18, etc. these names all have a gematria total of 444.


Jesus, Messiah, Joshua and Lucifer = 444


All 4 names are in reference to the same person.  Before you get your feathers ruffled, look at the meaning of each:


Joshua (H3091) or Yehowshuwa means “Jehovah is salvation”


Jesus (G2424) or Iesous means “Jehovah is salvation”


Messiah (H4899) or mashiyach means the “anointed” or the “King if Israel”


Lucifer (H1966) or heylel means “bright star”


Jesus, in his last words recorded in the Book of Revelation refers to himself as “the bright and morning star”


So essentially, these four names from the languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Greek have been interpreted into English and now have the same Gematria values of 444.


The conundrum though is why would the word “Lucifer” be included?


Understanding where the word “Lucifer” came from is the key.  While modern Christians have made the name synonymous with Satan, it is actually not.  When the Vulgate Bible was translated, the Latin word used was “stella lucida” or Lucifer as it was reinterpreting the Roman name of the planet Venus, the “bright morning star”.  In the context of Isaiah, the King of Babylon sought to lift himself up as likened to the celestial object, the “bright and morning star”.  The KJV English uses the Vulgate of “lucida” into Lucifer.  The Babylonians worshipped the goddess Ishtar, also represented by the celestial object Venus and called it Ishtar.  Isaiah then was merely identifying celestial object to which the Babylonian king sought the lofty heights and was not referring to Satan, but rather the same position Satan seeks, claiming to be equal.


Isa 14:12-15 KJV - [12] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! [13] For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: [14] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. [15] Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.


One aspect of the celestial object of Venus is that half of its cycle is in the west, and appears to fall below the horizon into the darkness.  The other half of its cycle in the east, it rises in the morning and ascends, sometimes still visible throughout the day, hence its Greek name “day star”.  The NT uses this metaphor of Jesus, that is the day star.


Another extraordinary aspect of gematria, having to do with the Hebrew text in Is.14:12.

-      'Lucifer' = heylel (Strongs H1966) meaning "bright star" = 75 (Hebrew Gematria)

-      'of the morning'= shachar (Strongs H7837) “morning”  = 508 (Hebrew Gematria)

"Bright star(75)  + of the morning(508)" then would total 583.

There are exactly 583 average days from heliacal rising to heliacal rising of Venus, or morning star rising to morning star rising, and is also the average conjunction period with the sun as calculated by NASA!

There is really no puzzle at all.  The Creator of the Cosmos and the Author of the Bible are one and the same!


In Christ,

Kevin H.