Josua (13 March 2012)
"Dream: Pilot falls asleep and plane crashes"

Dear Doves

this night I had a dream:

In the dream, I was eating a meal, sitting at a table, outside, beautiful weather. I saw a small airplane, very modern, and it was flying at a rather low altitude. 

Suddenly in my head I knew the thoughts of the pilot who was flying it: "This airplane is so nice, I don' t have to do anything... makes sleepy.... ...chrrr, chrrrr".

I told the people who sat next to me at the table: "HEY THE PILOT OF THAT AIRPLANE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP! THIS PLANE WILL CRASH!" 

We just all watched and while I considered if I should may be take my mobile phone to capture the scene, it already happened: the plane crashed into a shopping mall. The damage was big and many people died (including the pilot).

End of dream.

In the morning when I woke up I instantly remembered the dream. First I just wondered why I had such a dream, it is very atypical for me.

However, the interpretation was instantly clear to me: the sleeping pilot represents the sleeping Christians. the modern airplane represents the modern day churches of apostasy. They will crash soon and cause big damage onto other people too. How sad!

Watch & Pray!
YBIC, Josua