John B (7 March 2012)
"Re: Kevin Heckle ( Ron Reese).......Dyslexic interpretation.....identity of the false prophet"

It seems you want to dissuade and discredit me by branding me a "dyslexic". That's two posts in a row you pulled out your fancy word. Not a problem.....God's truth always prevails to those who are wise and read His Word. The Doves can and will understand common sense when they see it and read it.
I'll explain Rev.13:11-18 once again in an effort to bring clarity to the passage. Not for your sake Kevin, you're in full defensive mode, but for other Doves who I hope are reading this who are willing to ponder and explore these verses for clarity. 
As I said before....In Revelation 13 God dedicates "exclusively" the first eight verses of the chapter to the first beast who we call the antichrist. No one disputes that fact.
Then God adds two unrelated, obscure verses to the chapter in verses 9 and 10 that don't flow with the first 8 verses or the last 8 verses. I believe God sandwiched these unrelated verses in the chapter to make sure the reader knew that He (God) was completely changing the subject matter when the reader got to verse 11.....which He did.
Starting at verse 11 God dedicates the last 8 verses exclusively to the second beast who we call the false prophet. Here are the verses....
ho we call the false prophet
11..Then I saw another beast (second beast) coming up out of the earth, and he (second beast) had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.
12..And he (second beast) exercises all the authority of the first beast in his (first beast) presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13..He (second beast) performs great signs, so that he (second beast) even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
14..And he (second beast) deceives those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast (first beast) who was wounded by the sword and lived.
15.. He (second beast) was granted power to give breath to the image of the (first) beast, that the image of the (first) beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the (first) beast to be killed.
16/17...He (second beast) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the (first) beast, or the number of his (first beast) name.
18..Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the (second beast) beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
Notice how God in verse 11 frames His subject matter (what God wanted us to focus on)......"Then I saw another beast (second beast)....focus on the second beast.
And also notice.... so there wouldn't be any confusion who God was talking about, that God started the continuing verses with the word  "he". God did this so you would know that He hadn't changed the focus of His explanation and was completely focused on the second beast. The verses tell how the second beast interacts with the first beast but God's focus never leaves the second beast. He, he, he, he, he, he.........
God did not change His focus in these 8 verses from the second beast.  So the quiz and the challenge God gave us in verse 18 was directed at the identity and number of this second beast who we call the false prophet and not the antichrist.
I don't believe God changed the whole focus of His message about the second beast suddenly in verse 18 back to the first beast, the antichrist. Why would He? He already gave us a test and a quiz for the antichrist in Rev.17.
God in Rev.17 went into great detail as to the identity of the first beast. He also gave us a quiz and a challenge there for those who were wise to determine the identity of the first beast.
God tells us in Rev.13:11,18 that this second beast is a man who comes from the earth. To me that means in the end times a live man who is present on the earth will assume the role of the second beast who we call the false prophet. To help distinguish who this man would be God gave us a number that represents this man. And that number is 666. Members of the Doves family through their research have accumulated large amounts of data indicating that this number refers to Barack Hussein Obama.
God tells us in Rev.17 that the first beast arises from the bottomless pit. In Rev.9:11 God tells us that the king of the bottomless pit is a fallen angel who goes by the names of Abaddon and Apollyon. Whatever the entity is that arises from the bottomless pit it will not be a man who is alive and present on earth at the end times scenario.
From the extensive description God gives us in Rev.17 concerning the first beast the antichrist it is clear to me that an image of a dead pope will arise from the bottomless pit and be indwelled by Satan himself. This false pope will come back on the world stage immediately after the rapture of the church to become the eighth and last pope (as per Rev.17). He will have all the answers as to what just happened to the millions of people who have disappeared. He will devise a 7 year plan (covenant) with the world to heal the world economy and bring peace to the planet. It will take the antichrist 42 months of "playing nice" to orchestrate a one world government and a one world religion. Then, and, (Rev.13:6) after these initial 42 months he turns into the demon that he is. He declares himself to be the true god of the universe and demands all earth worship him as such. The new dictator of the United States, Barack Obama as the second beast of scripture will use the entire weight of the U.S. military complex to enforce the edicts of the antichrist. Obama will force all to take the name, mark, or number of the antichrist or they will be killed.  
So yes, it is extremely important to understand which beast is related to the number 666 in Rev.13  It may mean life or death to millions of people who become deceived as to which beast is the antichrist. Millions already believe that it is Obama......just what the devil wants as he slips himself in..... as a nice sweet dead old pope, under the radar. This will become one of the "great deceptions" which scripture warns us about.
Bottom line.... 666 is the number of the false prophet and not the antichrist. Plan accordingly..........
 Blessings Doves.........John B
P.S..  Why is it that Ron Reese, Mathman and others (I wouldn't dare include you Kevin) won't address God's words on the matter but continue to insist that Obama is the antichrist ?? Here are some of God's words on the matter below that they seem to dodge and deflect from.
1)  The bible says that the antichrist arises from the bottomless pit which makes him a spirit being or something other than a living man. And the bible says that the false prophet is a man. Obama is a man and not some entity from the bottomless pit, so how can he be the antichrist?
2) The bible says in Rev.17 that the antichrist has a complex and complete affiliation with a worldwide organization. God describes this organization in Rev.17, 18 in such exacting and great detail that anyone with insight recognizes that it is the Roman Catholic Church. Is Obama affiliated with the RCC ?........absolutely not.
3) The bible says in Rev.17 that the antichrist will be one of seven kings of this organization and he will also be the eighth king of this organization. Is Obama or has Obama been one of seven kings of this organization?..........absolutely not.
4) The bible says in Rev.17 that the antichrist was, is not, and yet is. Meaning that he was alive, he died, and rises from the bottomless pit. Has Obama died?....No    Has he risen from the dead?...No      The bible says that it has been appointed once for a man to die. Obama is a man, he is alive, he has not died.
5) The bible says in Rev.17:8 that when the antichrist ascends from the bottomless pit that the whole world will marvel (be totally amazed) at this person who was alive, died and has now appeared to have come alive again. Can Obama fulfill this or the above qualifications that God details of the antichrist?Absolutely NOT!!!!
6) In Rev.13:18 God tells us that the number 666 is the number of a man. The antichrist is some sort of entity from the bottomless pit that will take on the disguise of a former pope. So why would we mix apples and oranges and say that a man Barack Obama would be the antichrist when the antichrist is some sort of demon from the bottomless pit??......... The answer is simple, Satan lied to us about 666 through one of his demonic pastors or priests decades ago and millions have sworn to and have continued this lie ever since. And people won't or haven't read their bibles in search of the truth about this. They just keep passing on the lie..........