JDS (7 March 2012)
"Bruce Warner: Your response to: Jimmy RE: 'GOD HAS TWO ELECT"

Bruce, you wrote:
"Hi Jimmy,
You are absolutely correct! God has "the elect" of the OLD testament who is Israel. And NOW He has "the elect" of the NEW testament who are His Church. Everything changed when Jesus was crucufied, and the Gentiles were grafted into the Olive Tree. Now everyone who believes in Christ is "God's elect".
YBIC, Bruce Warner"
Everything changed FOR THE GENTILE.
We were with out hope, and OUT SIDE the common WEALTH of God.
NOW, we are brought near and into the HOPE of Israel.
NOTHING has changed for the JEW accept that now,
they no longer have to gain salvation by the works of the law,
but through the free gift of Messiah.
THEIR Messiah has COME!
"I say then, Has God REJECTED His people? God forbid! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
God has not rejected His people which He foreknew...." Rom. 11:1,2
"that you were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world." Eph. 2:12
In BOTH these passages, he is speaking of Gentiles.
Let us preach the love and hope of Messiah to the Jew,
rather than reject them where God has not.
Let us hold out the message of hope,  show them love.
It is not our place to decide WHEN the Jews will come to faith.
You will draw not one Jewish person to Jesus
by preaching replacement theology.