JDS (7 March 2012)
"Bruce Warner response to : Matthew 24 is to the Jew, not the Church (5 March 2012)"

Bruce Warner,
You said to Lewis:
"To correctly understand the message of Matthew 24 and Mark 13 you first must look at the placement of the Parable of the Fig Tree in the chapter. The Parable of the Fig Tree is placed to tell us to watch for "all these things" that are previously described in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 which preview His coming.
Jesus did not believe the unbelieving end-time Jews would be reading His NEW Testament to learn the lesson from the Parable of the Fig Tree as to what to watch for His coming.
The Parable of the Fig Tree, as well as the rest of Matthew 24 and Mark 13 is a message for the end-time believers who are His Church, not the unbelieving Jews.
The end-time UNBELIEVING Jews are still reading the OLD testament. The Jews rejected Jesus, as well as His NEW Testament! With the fore-knowledge of that, why would Jesus give any messages to the end-time unbelieving Jews in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 of the NEW TESTAMENT OF HIS WORD ? Jesus knew exactly what was coming His way when He gave His Olivet Discourse.for the benefit of the end-time believers who are His Church.
 YBIC, Bruce Warner"
I've now read much of your postings here at 5 Doves.
Your teachings are reasoned from a replacement theology frame of thinking.
Jesus was speaking to His disciples about the future of THEIR nation, not yours.
You as a Gentile are an ingrafted wild olive branch into the Holy root of Israel.
Jesus was speaking to BELIEVING Jews, ie, His disciples.
How do YOU know Jews do not read the New Testament?
Do you know about the ulta orthodox Jews here in Israel who are  believers in Jesus 
and keep their faith in secret so as not to be thrown out of their communities?
Be very careful not to throw Jews under the bus by implying they rejected Jesus
and therefore God is done with them.
I got an audible word from the Father in 1986 that He was not finished with the Jews yet.
But, much of Gentile Christianity HAS finished with the Jews.
We are warned NOT to be arrogant against the natural branches.
God can graft them back in a second.
And, He will.
We received grace to be saved.
What, do they not get the same chance for grace as we Gentiles?
This is our time of grace.
Their time is about to begin and Jesus will focus ALL of His attention on them.
You do not stand as judge of the Jews.