Greg (31 March 2012)

Randy and all doves,
I would like for you to follow this illistration, if you will: 
First, take your left hand and put it into your right hand, interlinking your fingers, so it's in a prayer like position.  This represents Christ in you and you in Christ: Relationship. (John 15: 4-5)
Now take your left hand and make a fist, with the right hand clutching the fist, holding onto it.  This represents the Christian closed off from Christ because of sin, yet He still holds on, because He said, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
Now image Christ knocking on the door of your closed-fisted left hand, because you allow sin to enter in, even once in awhile (1 Cor. 5: 6-8), as holiness and sin cannot cohabitate, as He says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock...." (Rev. 3: 20).  Keep in mind He is speaking to the church.
Most of Christendom thinks that He still abides in them, never leaving nor forsaking them, even while they give into the sins of the flesh, but the truth is that He is not IN them because of sin, for light and dark cannot cohabitate (John 1: 5). He still holds onto them, knocking on the door of their heart, hoping they will confess and truly repent, to be in relationship again, but until that person opens the door and truly repents, He is not IN them, but merely holding on. 
Please realize many have this type of thinking, leading them down the road to destruction; and few there be that find it.
I strongly encourage and exhort you to read 2 Pet. 1: 1-9 (pay special attn. to vs 9).  Also read James 1: 12-16 (pay attn. to vs. 16).  If any have the heart of David, then you will strongly desire to sin no more, rather than just accept your sinful condition.
Jesus says, "If you can believe, all things are possible to Him who believes" (Mark 10: 27).  So, if you have it within you to believe that it's possible to cease from sin, then the very moment you can believe it to be true, is the very moment you will.
This is the Good News that Jesus brought, that we can be truly, for real, and in actuality, free from doing the sins of the flesh, because of the power of the cross and the Holy Spirit.
"With God" (you and Him together, all things are possible).
Remember, the Lord has an expectation toward us to be holy: "Be you holy, for I Am holy" (1 Pet. 1: 16). 
Repent from your sins for real and believe in Him, and purify yourselves, even as He is pure (1 Jn. 3: 3).
In Christ,
P.S. If any of us miss the Rapture, then we will know why. 
"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21: 36).