Greg (31 March 2012)

You are correct that we can not work our way to heaven, but there is a vast difference between working our way to heaven through good deeds, i.e. giving to charities, feeding and sheltering the homeless, etc., without true repentance, compared to truly repenting followed by these good deeds.  After reading your post it appears you are relying on His shed blood to represent your sins and holiness.  Jesus represented each individual (past, present, and future) past sins, but He did not die to represent our holiness.  He makes us holy IF we will surrender and take up our own cross and follow Him.
If we claim to be in Him and Him in us, then that person ceases from doing the sins of the flesh, even as scripture says, "whosoever abides in Him sins not; whoever sins has not seen Him, neither known Him" (1 Jn. 3: 6).  Scripture tells us precisely, "whosover does these things will not inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor. 6: 9-10; Gal. 5: 19-21).
God is calling His church to truly repent; to awake out of sleep and arise from the dead and Christ shall give us light.  After we confess and repent of our sins, there is a doing on our part to be holy, "Be you holy, for I Am holy" (1 Pet. 1: 16), and again, "he that has this hope in Him purifies himself, even as He is pure" (1 Jn. 3: 3).This purifying is not done for us, but rather something we do.  And how pure does scripture say, even as He is pure! 
Therefore the only way to make it to heaven is to believe that it is possible to cease from sin, and do it, because God says, "With men this is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible" (Matt. 19: 26).  Therefore, if you can believe (if you have it within you to believe this), then it can be done, because it is already done for us on the cross.  All we need to do is side in with what is already a reality.  "Shall be" means: will be having already been done. 
I strongly exhort you to let go of this "light fantastic theology" (dreamer belief; Jude vs. 8), which believes we still give into sin, even once in awhile, and still be saved.  I believe in once-saved-always-saved, it just we are saved to our obedience, not giving into the sins of the flesh.
The video you watched was on target.  I encourage you to reconsider your current position, because only them that have truly repented from the sins of the flesh, and be holy, will be in heaven.  All others will have there place ultimately in the lake of fire.
Remember the upmost commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God will all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength, and the second is like unto the first, you shall love your neighbor as yourself."  Doesn't this mean to love Him with everything within you?  We have to give it our all to love Him or it will lead to religion and not relationship; deceiving oneself; thinking we are something when we are nothing (Gal. 6: 3).
I guess the big question you need to ask yourself is: Do I believe it's possible to cease from sin and do it, or not?
That video was not only convicting, but very apropos.
Remember we are only a decision away to be holy.  You may think I'm wrong, but if I'm not......?
In Christ,