Gerry Almond (5 March 2012)
"Can you see the lateness of the hour?"

To  All Doves:                                                 

There remains ONLY 37 days until the abomination that makes delolate will make his declaration to be authoritative “as God”.  

Why do I believe this enough to make such a bold statement?  Read on:

I have posted at least 4 times and possibly 6 times the corollary between Noah’s days and the days of modern Israel.  Here it is again, for refreshing and to justify the statement that only 37 days remain during which time, at some time, the rapture of the believers that are ready will, I believe, occur.  Ron Reese and others think a good day to watch is March 8/9, just 7 days after the most severe tornadic outbreak in weather history for the month of March in the U. S.


Matthew is the gospel to the JEWS, presenting Jesus to them as THEIR KING.  It is the only gospel presented SOLELY to them for their understanding of the end of days.  However, it can be used by US for our instruction IN the end of days as well.  

First of all, the “end of days” is not the end of the world.  It is properly the end of the AGE.  The Greek word used in the King James Bible is aion, translated “world” but means “age”.  What age?  The Age of Grace, of course.  Jesus told the early Jews who were His followers in Matthew 28:20, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world (gr. Aion = age)”.  The Age of Grace is ending with the rapture of the Church after which, the Law will take over again and the Holy Spirit will “fall” upon whomever He pleases, when He pleases, but will not be universally present as He is today.  Thus, mankind will only be able to respond to the Holy Spirit at He deals individually one by one with them at His pleasure.  This was true during King David’s time, when he pleaded with God to “take not thy Holy Spirit from me”.  (Psalm 51:11).

                            ANTICIPATION OF A RAPTURE EVENT   

We, who are ready, are greatly anticipating the rapture event, of course.  It is uppermost in our minds and is met with scoffing and derision by those with whom we share our view of the blessed hope.  This scoffing is here for at least the second time on a massive scale, the first being when, on September 12, 1988, the rapture did not occur per Edgar Whisenant, the author of “88 Reasons Why the Rapture will be in 1988”.  His book woke up the whole Christian world to the imminence of our rapture.  But, of course, people scoffed their heads off when it did not occur as predicted, and are doing it again because of Harold Camping’s failed prediction of May 21, 2011 and later October 21, 2011.  Even so, in both cases, God has used it to AWAKEN folks to the fact that there WILL BE the rapture of His Bride.  So, don’t give up…He is coming, and very soon.

                                        AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH

Matthew 24 tells the Jewish people (and us) that “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man”.  We believe the coming is for His Bride, they of course do not.  In Noah’s days the earth was in a 360 days per year rotation cycle of a perfect circle around the sun.  Going back to Genesis 6:3, we find 120 years was passed judgmentally on mankind.  God gave instructions to Noah to build an ark “for the saving of his household”.  Therefore, 120 years times 360 days per year equals 43,200 days total.  I don’t know how many days Noah took to actually construct the ship, but he had to do it within 43,200 days.

                                             THE SIGN OF NOAH

The sign of Noah in terms of 120 years time can be laid over the modern times of Israel as it now exists in the land of their forefathers.  Reborn physically May 14, 1948, Israel has been there for 63 years and a few days at this writing.  But Israel’s (re)birth did not begin in 1948.  It actually started on August 31, 1897, the LAST day of the FIRST Zionist Congress, the first gathering since 70 A. D., at Basel, Switzerland, when a document was signed with the British government allowing Jews the right to return to Palestine, then under rule of the Ottoman Empire.  A few Arab nomads roamed the land, but it was mostly a useless piece of real estate.  In exchange for British permission and future support, Theodor Herzel, the father of modern Jewry and head of the Zionist movement agreed to help the British in their war with the Ottomans.  This agreement was later, in 1922, called the Balfour Declaration and was incorporated into the League of Nations solution after WW2. This forerunner of the United Nations which was to come later in 1945, was backed by both Europe and America.  Britain had won their war over the Ottomans in WW1 with the aid of Jewry.  Thus on November 2, 1917, after the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) was vanquished, it can be said that Palestine was now open for the hardy Jewish souls so inclined to go there and like early American explorers, a number did.  Modern Israel, not yet named, began receiving returnees to what would, in 1948 be called Israel.  (Incidentally, and just as a side note, American author Samuel Clements, a. k. a. Mark Twain, after a visit to Palestine about that time, noted that it was a land so desolate, it was not fit to support even the mosquitoes).

Immediately after WW1, the first British event was the entrance into the Holy Land by British General Edmund Allenby on December 9, 1917.  He even proceeded to Jerusalem arriving there December 11, 1917.  

As already mentioned, the next major event chronologically, occurred in 1922, when the League of Nations gave the British Empire OVERSIGHT AND CONTROL of Palestine through the Balfour Declaration.  This opened the land further and Jews began to “go home” in greater numbers.  They, of course, found some Jews already there and a desolate land, but a few hardy souls stuck it out and began to make the land blossom, whereas the nomadic Arabs did not care at all about it.  These settlers purchased the land from the Arabs.  They did not simply squat on it.  They owned it.

                                                  ENTER THE NAZIS  

The next major event was the awful WW 2, which began in 1938 when Nazi Germany began to persecute the Jews, taking them over and treating them as chattel.  A short time later, the Nazi tanks rolled over Austria, Chechoslavakia, and Poland.  WW 2 was on as a hot war and in December, 1941, the United States finally entered it on behalf of Britain and France, after being attacked in an undeclared surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by the Empire of Japan.   About this same time, the Nazis came up with the “final solution” for the world Jews.  It was mass murder of not only them, but weak, mentally challenged, and crippled.  The aim was to create a “master race” of Aryian people, that is all white.  After this great war, American General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander, later to be President of the U. S., discovered in 1945, the furnaces of Auschwitsh, Treblinka, Dachau, Ravensbruck, etc. wherein 6,000,000 Jews and others had been burned to ashes in what was called the “final solution” to the Jewish problem.  As a result of this absolute HORROR, the newly formed United Nations, primarily at the insistence of the United States and England, gave birth IN ONE DAY, to the modern state (nation) of Israel.  As already said, the date of birth was May 14, 1948.

                                     BUT THEN GOD MOVED AGAIN  

The next major event was the six days war of June 1967 during which Israel liberated the HOLY CITY OF JERUSALEM.  It became a Jewish city again after many centuries.  Because of their proclamation that Jerusalem would FOREVER be the capital of the Jewish nation, it immediately became a “cup of trembling” to all the world, and has been ever since.  The Arab nations have now surrounded the holy city and are threatening extinction of God’s covenant people, the Jews.

                                        THEN GOD MOVED AGAIN

The next major event was the 1973 Yom Kippur war which took the Golan Hts away from the Syrians, and Israel annexed the Golan in order to stop Syrian shelling of northern Israel from those heights.  This secured the Sea of Galilee and the cities around it and separated Lebanon from Israel on a defense front.  It also took away Syria’s advantage in being able to shell Israeli towns and cities in the north of Israel.

                         PEACE, PEACE WHEN THERE IS NO PEACE   

Since then, there have several attempts at peace in the middle east.  But Islam is going to have none of that.  They are determined to drive Israel into the Mediterranean Sea.  Their goal, finally, is the total destruction of Israel, which would then be the completion of Nazi Germany’s “final solution”.


The next major event was the collapse of the world’s economic systems.  Massive debt caused the system to “fold up” when the real estate bubble burst world-wide.  The date was September 28, 2008.  This, I believe, is the direct fulfillment of James chapter 5.  “Go to, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you”.   It also said “ye have heaped treasures together for the LAST DAYS.”    It is a last days prophecy by the Apostle James nearly 2,000 years ago.

The next major event of today's events was the election of Barack Hussein Obama as President of the great United State, Israel’s ONLY ally.  The election was only 35 days after the big economic bust.  This man has, as of now, rejected the U. S. support of Israel and has turned her over for destruction by her enemies. He has driven the U. S. into bankruptcy in his effort to destroy capitalism and make the U. S. socialist.  The U. S. Congress does not agree with President Obama yet, but prophecy makes it clear that Israel will be abandoned by all.  And as of now, she has.

                                                 BUT GOD

 Ah, that great phrase, “But God”.  God will then fight for Israel, as He did in the days of battle of old.  Michael, the archangel, will fight for Israel against her enemies.  That’s Bible and it will be fulfilled very soon.

                                      BACK TO THE SIGN OF NOAH

Remember that we are counting 43,200 days total from the count of Noah's day.
Seattle, WA. Pastor Mark Biltz and others have identified tetrads of eclipses that bracketed the time October 29/30, 2008 through September 23/24, 2015 as a 2,520 day period which is equal to the time set forth by Daniel’s prophecy, backed by John’s Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.  These tetrads all occurred or will occur on Jewish Sacred Feast Days.  The middle point of that time period is April 11/12, 2012, the date on which antichrist will be proclaiming himself to be “God”, which is the ultimate blasphemy.  This count of days makes the Israeli experience verify this count just like this:

8/31/1897……………+………….43, 125 days………………=…………9/23/2015.
1st Jewish Congress in 1,827 years

10/29/30/2008                             4/11/12/2012
The midpoint-----------------------------!---------------------------------------9/23/24/2015
                            1,260 days                                  1,260 days

This is exactly 75 fewer days than the days used by Noah in building the ark.  So, to find the difference, we turn to Daniel chapter 12.  In this chapter, Daniel is being told by God’s messenger the archangel Michael, to “shut up the book and seal it to the time of the end.  Many will run to and fro and knowledge will be increased”.  Daniel was not fully satisfied with this instruction and inquired further of the archangel.  He was informed that there would be 75 days MORE added to the end point until the first day of the great kingdom age of 360,000 days (360 days x 1,000 years = 360,000 days).  After the Kingdom Age, then would be eternity.  Add the 75 days and this is the time line.

8/31/1897…………43,175 days plus 75 days…………………….43,200 days

In Noah’s time line it was:

Day 1………………………….43,200 days………………… Rains and great Flood.


                                                    MY FOOTNOTE

I have always believed in the pre-tribulation rapture position and I still do.  I think that the rapture will be any day now and will NOT go up to 4/11/2012 at all.  That makes it pre-tribulation BUT NOT pre-70th week.  We are over 3 years into the first ½ of the 70th week of Daniel.  



Gerry Almond