Gerlinda (13 March 2012)
"Bruce Warner - Your Shall See Me No More......."

Psalm 118:26  includes that phrase.  
Prophets had said what would happen when Messiah  rode into Jerusalem; that would have been on, what has come to be known as Palm Sunday.  The Sacrificial Lamb lived with the Israeli families for those 4 days among his friends.  The Sacrifical Lamb was examined carefully during those 4 days just as Yeshua was examined by the priests as He visited the Temple those days. 
Then as Psalm118:27 tells us that, "The Lord is God and He has given us light; Bind the festival sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar." NAS   That was fulfilled at the same time that Yeshua was nailed to the Tree.  And the High Priest spoke the same words as Yeshua did when Yeshua said, "It is Finished".
Incidently, Psalm 118:19-20 indicates this could be a Rapture verse, "Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to the Lord.  This is the gate of the Lord; The righteous will enter through it".
Is this what you are looking for Bruce?  gerlinda
Bruce Warner (12 March 2012)

Dear Doves,

Matthew 23:39
"For I say to you, You shall see Me no more TIL YOU SAY, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord."

Do you know what day it was when those words were first spoken ?

Come lord Jesus!

Bruce Warner