Frank R Molver (9 March 2012)
"Mike P, hot tub baptism"

Nice letter Mike, thanks.
But have you been baptized?
Come to my house and we will do that, seal the deal.
We minister to street people and there was an old alcoholic street person we have known for years.
For what ever reason he can't get off the bottle.
Nice guy, knows the word.
But my minister partner was troubled in the spirit about him.
This guy was afraid to go to church, was afraid to be baptized, to many stereotypes confusing him.
My friend discerned he would die soon because of his physical state.
Concerned for his soul since you know what it says about no drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.
We invited him to Thanksgiving at our house.
He prayed for a many weeks for this man.
After diner my friend baptized him in my hot tub while I went to work.
Deal was sealed
We don't have to understand everything.
Just do what he asks us to.