Frank R Molver (13 March 2012)
"re visions of 2 moons and 2 suns"

This came to me at 2 am after thinking about one vision shared by Mike P
I recalled several people having visions of 2 moons here.
I recall a couple people having a vision of 2 suns.
I think they were all rapture related.
It dawned on me that this may be when God allows the world to see into the spiritual.
Like some times people get a glimpse of an angel or a demon.
I will give you a sketch by Nicole Poon who has many rapture visions and of events surrounding it.
She usually always shows people or doves being raptured from a turmoiled earth to a peaceful planet.
See the positive and negative symbols on the earth left behind?
So, 2 earths. 2 moons, 2 suns. Get it?
Here is the most recent one, some are more elaborate.
Please look thru here gallery at Picasa
8 March 2012/
God showed many doves were flying and leaving towards a new ellipse planet with a rainbow,where were some trees and a tent with a cross on the top.