F.M. Riley (19 March 2012)
"Something to consider……."

                Something to consider…….

                                                                                                                                             By Pastor F. M. Riley

                                                                                                                                             March 17, 2012


     “…..and there shall be earthquakes in divers places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows,”  Matthew 24:7-8.


     In Matthew 24:7 the Lord Jesus Christ set forth the last “signfor this present dispensation just preceding the beginning of the seven year Tribulation period upon the earth.  That “sign” is explicitly stated to be “earthquakes in divers places.”  Now give some serious thought and prayer to the following…….


     February 27, 2010       there was a humongous       8.8   earthquake in Chili                    then


     188 days later on


     September 3, 2010         there was a                              7.0   earthquake in New Zealand      then


     189 days later on


     March 11, 2011                there was a                            9.0   earthquake in Japan                   then


     188 days later on


     September 15, 2011     there was a                            7.3  earthquake in Fiji                       then


     189 days later will be…….


     March 22, 2012             


     Will there be another massive earthquake on this date???   The San Andreas in California?   Yellowstone in Wyoming?  The New Madrid in Missouri?  Or, somewhere else in the earth?   Are the number of days between these massive quakes which have already occurred just “coincidence?”  Will it happen again on March 22nd? 


     I do not even pretend to know, but the numerical sequence is sure something to think and pray about!    Are you saved, certain, and secure in the Lord Jesus Christ?   Being “in Christ” is the only way to know that you are ready to meet the Lord.      


     “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else,”  Isaiah 45:22. 

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