Cliff Hughes (9 March 2012)
"Re: Robin McAhan "What If""

You Said: I've been lurking on this site since the late 90's and I've seen rapture dates come
and go a hundred fold since then.  I've watched as people on this site post their 'absolute
truth' opinions as to when it will happen or who will be going. I've watched as people inquire
of others on here as to what is 'truth' and what isn't when it comes to dates and times. I think
I've seen just about every argument there is on this site when it comes to pre, mid or post
tribulation rapture.  I've sat back and watched while the 'illuminated' ones speak their minds
and teach others on here what they 'know' to be truth on this subject.

My Response: The fact that you've been "lurking" since the late 90's should pretty much answer

your statement above. How else do you expect the site to continue this long if there

were no lively activities such as debates, inquiries, discourses etc ... ??? Wouldn't

you agree that the site would have lost your interest thus far without such activities ????

You Said: As I sit here and read these posts day after day, it reminds me of the disciples

of Jesus, arguing about who will be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

My Response: What else should u expect from a group of individuals debating a subject ????

Don't all debates "seem" to act that way ?????

You Said: I want to propose a question to all of you to get you to STOP and think for

a second for yourselves. Pretend with me for a few minutes and think...

What if the internet was never created by man, and any form of communication was never invented such as radio, television, etc. All books, including Scripture, have never been written. STOP and ponder about where you would be spiritually in that moment. You have never heard of God, Jesus, the rapture, etc. All you have is your life and those around you that you love and the earth that you live on. PONDER on that reality for a minute.......

My Response: Where exactly are u going with the above statement ??????

You Said: Now....tell us again, those of you who think you 'know' the absolute truth, are you SURE what you think you 'know' is what God actually revealed to you as His child or are you just picking and choosing what Scriptures you want to prove that you are 'right' and everyone else is 'wrong'?

My Response: Mmmmm! Since we are supposed to be "unsure" of truth. How are we to share the gospel with others if we "think" we aren't sure what the truth is ????????