Charles (9 March 2012)
"I was stuck in the mud!"

First let me say I am amazed at the connection with Tim tebows game and 888 it's just another sign we are sll on the right path and following the breadcrumbs home! There were scattered power outages from the flare it could have been worse! Three x class in a Rossi the next x class the one? I have watched the earthquake warning videos for 3/22/12 and am frankly concerned if we are still here this has been valid five times this next one has new madrid or California written on it since the other three points have already gone! If we get an x class flare and this alignment I don't want to be here! I went to my camp today just a land no building it was raining and in the fifties I hiked in the forest and sat under a tarp made a fire with hand sanitizer and some dry wood and a old firestarter! I wanted to be alone on Purim I sat in the woods in the rain ate an MRE under a tarp and prayed to God! A wooden cross I made was still standing on the trail from last time a few months ago amazing since alot of trees were down! I hoped that I was doing Gods will bring in the woods taking a day from the world! I got back to my suv and backing out the road had turned to mud and I was really stuck on all fours! All the gear I had a four wheel drive emergency tow roap shovel etc alone I was stuck no cell phone! I remembered the verse to trust in a horse for survival us vanity! God was reminding me all my gear meant nothing without His divine mercy we are all stuck in the mud just spinning our wheels! In fact that's what most people are doing in their lives without Christ your just spinning your wheels it may seem like your getting somewhere but not really! I saw a truck and waved my arms he drove by! Where I was it was like the rapture had occurred and everyone was Philadelphian I was a ghost town of weekend camps on a Thursday! I asked God for help I already knew he was teaching me a lesson count on Him first! My efforts to extracate myself failed! When I came back to my car the GPS had been seperated from the window and was on the floor another anti technology statement! There was an eerie feel in the forest and being alone among all those empty camps in the trees without leaves the wind and rain and no way to call for help except above! I walked up the road and heard a saw! Two men were repairing a camp! They did not have four wheel drive but took me to their wood guy who had an F150! Two tugs and I was out of the mud! Covered in mud I drove home in the torrential rain the temperature dropped from the high fifties to 36! I am not sure I will ever see my camp again with all that's going on! I felt both unconnected to what was going on technology wise wondering if the power had gone out! I also felt happy to be unconnected! Except when I got stuck in the mud!