Charles (5 March 2012)
"Meaning of its all over except for the fireworks!"

God said through the spirit in my head it's all over except for the fireworks set down to review the news and the attacks begin again it's like I can do anything except watch and be left alone! Mmmm anyway look at this excerpt from a serious new asteroid threat coming February 16, 2013 in 11 months! Fireworks and watercolors
With the asteroid zooming that low, it will be too late to do anything with it besides trying to predict its final destination and the consequences of impact. This 60 meter asteroid D14 is 60 meters across and right now is projected to come within 16,700 kilometers  closer then the 35,000 kilometer satalites we orbit this would fit in about the time the asteroid falls into the sea a bright and burning star after Gog magog! That they would use the term fireworks for an asteroid impact possible for next year I have to believe that phrase may have had specific meaning that what's coming before the fireworks is happening so soon it's as if it's already all over! It's impossible for me to have heard that then seen this article afterwards with such prophetic significance right after I hope there is time to hear and understand its all over except for the fireworks!