Charles (5 March 2012)
"I went and had coffee"

I went and had coffee last night with a watching Christian friend the one I know! He agreed it was a test a segway from a peaceful day instantly to a baptism of fire I watched the video and was presented with the very situation do many are silent to! I acted from the spirit I overturned tables in the temple! I am sure most processing Christians don't agree with alot of the world including my wife they just have drunk the politically correct colorless kool aid and I am a fool at the bar spilling red kool aid and everyone gets mad at me! The world is drinking blue we are supposed to drink red! By drinking cordless koolaid we become flashlights without batteries still flashlights but useless! Hence we have our effect on society absolutely near zero! Any positive is just the holy spirit restraining through us still drinking watered down red koolaid! I texted her the bible verses and said I had to take a stand and came home it's a new day but I just saw Putin on the drudge report and feel a sense of dread and sick foreboding like I haven't felt since I choked down bile voting for what I thought was the less of two evils in 2008! I have since figured out bad and worse is no choice at all! Eating breakfast where I saw the 130 looking around at the normalcy I am not sure I can face Monday! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!