Charles (28 March 2012)
"5,6,7, Jesus"

I have Tried to come out from among the world! No one around me understands we are to spectate ourselves from the world be in it not of it to call Abba father and seek to cleanse ourselves from all unrightousness! I desperately ask all the doves to pray for my spiritual healing from my sinful act I am thoroughly sorry for! I want to fly when Jesus comes. The thing is as these breadcrumbs come and we follow the people I have warned go on with their lives and scoff more. I am sad not mad I see the truth of Gods word they don't know all their works are about to become nothing. This reality is tainted by sin our flesh is and nothing will remain that is not of the spirit. I have tried not to walk in the vanity but every day gets harder to stand my oil burning bright Thursday is a flicker of hope now. I truly feel the 5,6,7 Jesus my dream of the rapture is on a Thursday and the last number being an eight points to April 8th. I hope I have born fruit on Doves I hope I have honored the Lord I hope I will be found watching and waiting and worthy to escape the wrath to come! See most non Christians think that they have to survive climate change, most chtistuans do not understand they were never taught or read that the rapture is a reward for patience and obedience to the faith for faithful watching and praying.  As we get closer and I more and more understand the true horror of our reality the level of deception we all exist under I can see why most believe the lie. Do you swim against the current how long can you I am exhausted another reason he's coming soon his watchers are wearing down and the harvest is getting more difficult. If April comes and goes I will be watchimg for May! I just really scared myself sinning so close to when I think he's coming I hope for healing and to rest under His wings. Please Pray He is not silenMt to me or us and that all doves fly! Oh the all doves fly post was mine!