Bruce Warner (9 March 2012)
"TO: Lewis Brackett RE: YOUR POST (5 March 2012) 'Matthew 24 is to the Jew not the Church'"

Hi again Lewis,
You stated,   "The four gospels were spoken to the Jew", and "the Church begins in Acts"., and then "Jesus preached the gospel of the coming Kingdom to the JEW only".
That means you completely deny that the following Scripture in the Gospel of John is a message from Jesus to His end-time Church. According to what you say it is "to the Jew only."
John 4:34-36
"Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work. Do you not say, there are still four months and then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And He who reaps receives wages, and GATHERS FRUIT FOR ETERNAL LIFE, that both He who sows and He who reaps may rejoice together."
Do you still deny that this message, in the Book of John, is from Jesus to His Church about the coming rapture in the end-time ?
YBIC, Bruce Warner