Bruce Warner (31 March 2012)

Dear Doves,
By Scriptural reasoning, I have concluded that the Day of Palms, which is the fourth day before every Passover/Nisan 14, is the most likely day for our rapture to happen. I have been placing the date of Nisan 11 as that day, but I now have found in the Scriptures that it is the date of Nisan 10 (Exodus 12:3) which is the fourth day prior to but not including Passover.
Nisan 10 is also the very day that Israel 'was delivered' out of forty-years in the wilderness when they 'crossed over' the Jordan River into the Promised Land.  Joshua, who is a 'type' of our Deliverer, 'delivered' Israel into the Promised Land when he led them to 'cross over' the Jordan River to the Promised Land on Nisan 10 of that year (Joshua 4:19)
Israel's forty-years in the wilderness began on the day of Pentecost, the very day on the Church was born, and then Israel was delivered out of the wilderness on the day of Nisan 10. Can we take from that - that it is very likely the Church/bride will be delivered/raptured to our 'Promised Land/ Heaven' on a future Day of Palms, Nisan 10 ?
The Scriptural event of Joshua 'delivering' Israel out of the wilderness to the 'Promised Land' on Nisan 10 is an event 'type' of when Jesus delivers/raptures His Church/bride out of our wilderness to Heaven on ________________?
Come Lord Jesus!
Bruce Warner