Bruce Warner (31 March 2012)
"JOSHUA IS ALSO CALLED 'YESHUA' - This is the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek name, 'Jesus'..........."

Dear Doves,
Not only does Joshua deliver the Israelites across the Jordan to their Promised Land on Nisan 10, which will become the future Day of Palms, he also requires them, by order from God, to all be circumcised before entering their Promised Land as there was no circumcision performed during the forty-years in the wilderness.
Just as the Israelites were required to be circumcised before entering their Promised Land, we also are required to be 'spiritually circumcised' from sin before we can be raptured by Jesus and enter our Promise of Heaven. When we become born-again is when we are spiritually circumcised from sin by receiving the gift of the Grace of God's salvation. Flesh and blood may not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but when we are re-born of water and the Spirit we are then spititually circumcised, through Christ, and then we are allowed to enter into heaven.
Come Lord Jesus!
Bruce Warner