Bruce Warner (28 March 2012)

Deaf Doves,
Notice how all the middle-eastern countries are all being taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood. Libya, and now Egypt has fallen to the Muslim Brotherhood. They will form a Muslim Kalifate or coalition of all the Muslim controlled countries to ally with Iran, Syria and Russia along with many others to become the "Gog-Magog" army of (Ezekiel 38 & 39).  Egypt has just recently broken the treaty it had with Israel so Israel is NOW surrounded by armies which will soon cause its desolation during the soon to come Gog-Magog War. (Luke 21:20)
Watch the news coming out of the middle-east and read Ezekiel 38 & 39 and Luke 21 at the same time to see prophecy being fulfilled before your very eyes. I believe that the Gog-Magog War will begin on the day of March 19, 2016 which will also be the beginning of the great tribulation in Israel.
I fully expect to see the 'covenant with many' confirmed on or about September 17, 2012 -  Feast of Trumpets.  Almost exactly.3 1/2 years later, in the middle ot the last seven-years, will be the day of March 19, 2016 - Day of Palms in the Jubilee Year and 1,290 days to September 30, 2019 - Feast of Trumpets.
Sept 17, 2012 |------------3 1/2 years (42 months)-----------| March 19, 2016 |-------------1,290 days---------------| Sept 30, 2019
What a great time to be alive to witness the end-times prophecies fulfilled!
Come Lord Jesus!
Bruce Warner