Arlene (9 March 2012)
"Thank you, Laurie H...."

Hi Laurie....What a great explanation for the soul/spirit salvation you gave today!!  I went to Amazon today and bought that book by Gary Whipple for about $9.  I have found that the used books there are almost like new most of the time.  Most of my studying years have been prophecy, and I've totally neglected study on "soul" salvation because I didn't know there was such a thing until just recently.  But then, the Holy Spirit knows when a person is ready to hear certain truths and when they will be most receptive.

It still amazes me every day on the 5 Doves site how diverse all our areas of expertise are.  This brings up what Proverbs 1:7 means..."The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."  I've seen so many who have absolute opinions on ! their studies, and they refuse to listen to others who try to instruct them otherwise.  No matter how much we learn for ourselves, there are others in the "body of Christ" who know so much more and are willing to show others...if only they would listen.

Our children teach us much about this while we are raising them.  When they are young and immature, they get angry when we try to correct them.  They have to do it themselves to prove us wrong...and they make lots of mistakes.  When they are older and more mature, they understand that we know  more, and then they ask for our advice (sometimes).  It's a mature Christian who says, "Thank you."  And then they check it out before getting all bent out of shape and angry.

You are absolutely the best!!!  You set a great example for the r! est of us....

