Arlene (5 March 2012)
"Especially for Michael C. and Bruce W...."

Hi "Brothers" Michael and Bruce....

I only have two things to say today and they concern the both of you.  I love the spirit in you both...because the same "spirit" pushes me into searching for the truth of things.

First of all, Michael.....I stared at your posting today, and I got one of those "Aha" moments.  I think our Lord has just enough sense of humor to have the rapture of the "bride", who are the "firstfruits sheaf of barley"....on Firstfruits!!  That's the day our Lord was resurrected....and we are part of His "body".  I'll be looking at that day....April 8, which fits into the scheme of Ron Reese's timing as well.  Great thinking!!  (Last year I even counted the "omer"....and I didn't have much clue to what I was doing.  But, at least my heart was on the things of the Lord.)

Secondly, Bruce....I tend to agree with you about the main! body rapture being I Thess.4:16-18.  Actually what convinced me was the argument I put to you.  Why would the Lord come down to get us, then make a "U-turn" and go back with us?  And then He would have to make another trip down here for when we come with him again ...Rev.19).  And "we who are alive and remain" certainly sounds like those left alive after it's all over (before the Lord's wrath on the world).  Thank you for the "heart" for sticking to what you believe in.  When someone criticizes me (which is frequent of late), I really analyze myself....and make corrections if needed.  Otherwise, I'm as stubborn as Baalam's ass.

One thought I wanted to leave with you.  I'll give you two scriptures....Matthew 24:22 and Mark 13:20.  They say, respectively, "that except the Lord had shortened those days" and "except those days should be shortened".....etc.

Forget what you have heard everyone else say about those verses! , and think about what is happening at the time.  Rev. 8:12...the fourth angel's trumpet judgment messes with the light of the sun, moon, and stars.  THE DAYS THEMSELVES will be shortened by 1/3.  God does not shorten the time of the length of the Tribulation, He shortens some of the days so that so many will not be killed.  I believe this happened in the OT in Joshua's day...and in the days of Hezekiah...the length of the actual days were either shortened or lengthened for God's purposes.  See the piece I copied below....

The 4th Trumpet Judgment Points to a Speeding Up of the Rotation of the Planet Earth. As in Joshua's Long Day (Joshua 10:12-14), we can only speculate as to how the LORD will accomplish the 4th Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 8:12-13). "Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all Wisdom" (Proverbs 18:1). I now hypothesize that the darkening of 1/3 of the sun, moon, and stars (Revelation 8:12) refers to a speeding up of the rotation of the planet Earth by 50%; thus, it would cut a day down to 16 hours. This would be 1/3 less light from the "sun", i.e., daylight hours (normally 12 hours). 1/3 of 12 daylight hours equals 4 hours. 12 hours minus 4 hours equals 8 hours. So, 1/3 less light from the "sun" results in 8 hours of daylight in this new Apocalyptic Day. There would also be 1/3 less "moon" and "stars", i.e., nighttime hours, (also normally 12 hours). 1/3 of 12 nighttime hours is 4 hours. Again, 12 hours minus 4 hours equals 8 hours. So, 1/3 less light from the "moon" and "stars" results in 8 hours of nighttime in this new Apocalyptic Day. Combined, a new Apocalyptic Day would be 16 hours-- 1/3 less than the present 24 hour day-- after the sounding of the 4th Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 8:12-13).

So, Michael and Bruce, my sincere thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow, and for standing firmly for what you believe.  I do that as well.  Peace reigns in the body of Christ as long as communications remain open.  I would have never researched the "shortened days" if Bruce had not repeated it so many times.  And, as Michael said, Firstfruits would be perfect for a 'Firstfruits' resurrection.  We'll soon see.....

For some of you who have had less than kind things to say to others and to me, just remember, these are the people with whom you will be spending the next 1000 years....we're supposed to love one another!!

Till the next time we meet....keep looking up!!!

