Arlene (31 March 2012)
"For Marilyn about Saturn...."

Hi Marilyn....I read your post to Patti C today, and my heart skipped a beat or two when you said "The throne of Jesus, the only God/man, is on Saturn."  This may not make me very popular, but I have to say something.  I have read your book, "Heaven Found:  A Butter and Honey Star".  I still have it in my book case of special books, which include "Exit 2007" as well.  In a lot of ways, you are my hero because of all the things you have taught me in my quest for knowledge.  And I know it's like "swimming upstream" to contradict your otherwise excellent studies.

I can only ask one question, and if you could satisfactorily answer it for me, I will be more than glad to concede that you are correct in your views about Saturn being "Heaven" and God's throne.  That one question is:  Why would God inhabit a planet in our solar system which has a hexagon shape at the North pole and what appears to be a! "ringed eye" (all-seeing eye) at the South pole?  Ezekiel's vision mentions nothing about this except for "rings" that were "high" and  being "full of eyes"...Ezek.1:18.

This is a very good video showing close-up photography of these phenomena on Saturn:

I wouldn't say this at all, but if I don't, what will I answer to God?  I am a "watchman," and Ezek.3:17-19 tells me I must say something about this.  If people (Christians) think that Saturn is God's planet, and something or someone comes down to Earth from Saturn, how would we interpret who it was?  None of us can know for sure exactly what the Ezekiel vision is about until God reveals it to us.  I have an ! idea, but I won't bet my soul on it.  However, I also don't want people to be deceived into believing it is something else when it very well may be the opposite.

Again, I still think the world of you with your passion for the Word of God.....and if I am in error, I will humbly apologize.....

