Arlene (13 March 2012)
"For Bruce Warner....on being a "Jew"..."

Hi Bruce....Please rethink your statement, "We are all Jews now"!!!  I am not now, nor have I ever been a "Jew".  I have no knowledge of my lineage EVER going back to the Tribe of Judah, nor have I ever professed Judaism as my religion.  Everyone in my family, of which I am aware, descended from Finland.  I know of nobody except my "Aaiti Senja" (grandmother) and myself even being part of any "religious" leaning (both Christians). Therefore, I am not a Jew.  Being an Israelite is a different story.  Jacob became spiritual "Israel" by God.  But then, that's a very long story.  I have studied the Tribes of Israel through Jacob.  It's an extremely complicated study.

Perhaps you need to review Romans 9:6, 11:25, and I Cor. chapter 10.  But the biggest warning against your statement is Revelation 2:9...."I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the BL! ASPHEMY of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."  This was written to the church in Smyrna as a severe criticism from God.

This link is from someone who knows the Jews and the Israelites much more than I could put forth.  It's a rather good study on this subject.  Everyone should know the difference.  I'm not trying to be mean or argumentative, I just happen to love the truth and will argue when I see a lie....intentionally or inadvertently.....

