Arlene (13 March 2012)
"For KML....thanks for all your work!"

Hi KML.....Oh, I absolutely agree with you that replacement theology is totally wrong.  However, you apparently didn't read very carefully the information I sent.  One has to have "eyes to see" and "ears to hear" how God has planted clues for us all through scripture so we would have to search out His "bottom line" of salvation.  It is for is to make of the Church AND Israel "one new man"....Ephesians 2:15.  In the end, ALL, both Jews and Gentiles become saved through the blood of Jesus Christ.  Salvation is no other way.  There is not one plan for the Jews and another for the Church.  It's just that God works with them at different times....the Jew first, and then the Gentile....and then back to the Jews again.

Right now, during the age of grace (faith only) it is for the Gentiles, but Jews can also be saved into the Church (Messianic Jews).  When "grace" is over (after the rapture.! ..that's the deadline), God goes back to working with the Jews again (but Gentiles will be able to be saved during that time as well). But during this time, the "church" age is over.  During EITHER time, anyone can be saved through the finished work of Jesus Christ only.  After the rapture, salvation is the same as Old Testament and works (see James 2:17).  After the rapture, people will SEE that God's word is truth....and therefore, salvation won't be totally by faith alone any more.

Perhaps this link will explain this more simplistically....

You are wonderful to have taken so much time, thought, and effort to put all that information down for me.  I really appreciate your effort.

