Alan T (5 March 2012)
"Frank R Molver Re: "The Bondage of Spiritual laziness""

Frank and Doves,
So is the implication of some of us, believing in grace salvation through faith of Christ, are spiritually lazy because we believe we have a free pass and therefore do not have to do anything to inherit eternal life ? And you believe that we think we can just coast along and not do anything to serve because we believe in a "false gospel" that some consider a cult ?
Many here have done their best to explain what they believe, and we can accept it, or not. My personal belief is that there are too many bible versions out there that have divided us further because the bibles have been "cooked" to support certain doctrines. It all starts with what you personally consider to be truth.
   If we believe that "all" the bible is speaking to us, and parts of it were actually speaking to a different group of people, then are we not guilty of "identity theft" if we attempt  claim their promises, benefits, etc. ? Would that not also include taking upon ourselves their "yoke "unnecessarily or mistakenly ?
   Some of the folks here at five doves I noticed are retirees. And probably their schedule is more open in regards to family responsibilities, duties, church service, prayer time, etc. Some of us have full time jobs with more dependents that we can count on two hands. Some of us make great personal and physical sacrifices for the furtherance of the Gospel to others, to attend church, give to the unappreciating, etc. Some of us do not have the luxury of being awake during day hours due to jobs. Should the ones with greater responsibilities be considered " lazy" or " non- spiritual" because he does not contribute the time and effort to prayer and service that the carefree Christian does ?
   If a Christian forsakes responsibility to children, spouse and a job to provide for them, and claims that they are following Jesus and obeying out of fear of reprisal from God, rather than Paul's command to " provide for your own house..otherwise ye are worse than an infidel..." , then who's mail are they reading in the word ?
  Do we tithe 10% out of fear or curse because the bible says so, or the pastor said so, or do we give according to how God has purposed in our hearts( Paul ) ?
   Yes we are to pray and follow the leading of the Holy Ghost. Yes we are to make choices and sacrifices that reflect our faith and put others first. We should be allowing the Lord to remove the dross from us as we continue to grow and obey and He will open up more ability for us through the Spirit to pray, serve, provide and endure.
   But if we are presumptuous and usurping positions and bondages and responsibilities that we are not authorized nor required to bear, then He has no responsibility to perpetuate our delusion, and we open ourselves to deception from the enemy.

Some of Jesus commandments are for us, and some are Not. Some of Peter and John and James commandments are for us, and some are not. Most of Paul's epistles are for us, and some are exclusively for the Jews.  We are not picking and choosing what we want to obey,or disregard, and what we do not want to do. We are simply adhering to The Lord's " covenant " that HE changes for different ages.
  We must remember " No Kingdom of God( on earth) " from Adam to the Kingdom of Heaven( earthly throne David & Christ) from the cross to the second coming..and no Kingdom of God( on earth) for the next 1,000 year millennial reign.
  Saying that the "Holy Ghost" indwelling us is insufficient to save our immortal souls that paul through the Spirit told us justifies us and saves us, then we make the Holy Ghost and Paul out to be liars. If this is contradicted in the bible then that letter is NOT for you.

Alan T