Will Schumacher (16 March 2011)
"History of 911-pretty incredible"

I assumed wrongly that 911 phone number came out of 9-11-01
I decided to look
At this link, 2 dates caught my eye
1-January 12, 1968= the day AT&T designated 911 as the emergency number.
2-Feb 16, 1968=the first day a call was ceremonially placed with 911
Again 9-11-01 is 3910 days to 5-26-12,   5-26-12 1335 days from 9-29-08
391=salvation, Joshua=hebrew form of Jesus
jan 12, 1968 to may 26, 2012=16206 days
16206=6 x 2701 (37x73) Gen 1:1 gematria
Feb 16, 1968 to may 26, 2012=16171 days
16171=157 x 103   157 major 9-11 number and rapture/destruction number
will schumacher