Suzi (31 March 2011)
"To Ron and All Doves"

Wow...I've said it many times, all you 'math whiz' types make my head spin! lol. I just do not speak 'numbers'. But that is why we have those of you who do...we can't all be the same 'body part'. :)

I just remember, when I became so very aware that (in my shameless 'geek' vernacular)
"there was a tremor in the force", and I KNEW things had changed....that summer I first heard of/saw BHO....*shudder*. Then, when Oct. 29, 2008 came and I again, KNEW it 'meant something'. It really kills me that I just scribbled notes to myself on whatever paper I had laying on the desk, because now I don't have any real record of what I'd noted. Even when I'd send things to my MIL or my first 'Dove Bro', it was on my old hotmail acct., and that was all deleted when it was hacked. So, other than me repeating the few things I remember, or maybe Ron or others remembering me saying things, all I have is the thought that April of 2011 seemed so very far away! Now, here it is, 'at the door'. Wow.

I keep remembering my daughter's nightmare(s) about the 'planet' next to the sun, getting closer and closer to the earth with each passing day, she said we were standing on our front porch, looking at it, and she was crying, and said, "I always thought I had more time"...mourning the blessings of our life here on Earth, of getting married, having kids, all the stuff that will be missed when we are taken out of here. Even though, as a believer, she knows how much better things will be, we are, by nature, as most children can be, a tad 'greedy'. We are 'spoiled'. Having had so many wonderful experiences with the beautiful creation He has given us, we are 'at home', and can't help but want it all. As a mom, I am selfish. I want to see my kids all 'grown up' (all are technically 'adults'), I'd love to see them all married, with families of their own. I want them to experience that. And even with faith, there is always the fear of the unknown. Change always freaks me out a bit. There are definitely days when I just want to 'go home'...but too many days I feel like the kid dragging their feet, not wanting to leave the playground, not wanting the party to end...

But, here we are, in the year I 'saw' way back before I was a Christian as the year that 'something major was going to change the entire world'. And the coming month and year that my simple math came to when using Oct. 29th '08 as 'an important date'. Again....Wow.

I guess we'll find out soon enough if we do have more time to enjoy the bounty and blessings our Lord has given us, or if we will find our real, true reward with Him.

