Rudy Wallace (28 March 2011)
"Jennie REF: Question"

Jennie REF: Question
If you had several children, and one of them mis-behaved all the time, and you decided to move, would you leave that child behind?
God is greater in His mercy than we are, and though a true born again christian may stumble and fall on occasion, God will not leave those who are His behind.
No more than you would leave a naughty toddler behind if you moved.
Here's what Jesus thinks about those who are His:
John 10:29: My Father, who hath given them unto me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
Satan wants born again believers to believe that they can lose their salvation or miss the rapture.  He wants them to be tortured with that thought and thus lose the joy of their salvation.
If we were raptured due to behavior, we could boast that we were a better child than some of our other siblings.  Ever heard a child say, "Mommy likes me better than you?"
We will be raptured because we are God's born again children, not because we behaved in a particular manner.  Now some, I do believe, may lose particular rewards (crowns) based on their behavior, but none will lose their salvation or be left behind if they are truly born again.  Remember the story of the prodigal son and how jealous the righteous son was over his brother who had strayed and lived in riotious living, but then came home and was given a party by the Father.  He was a better son in some ways, but the prodigal son was also in the family and was the object of great rejoicing, while the good son sat in the corner and pouted.  (My translation)
We moved a lot early in my career for the sake of advancement, and I read something once that broke my heart, in regards to moving.  The article said that the biggest fear small children have when the family moves, is that they will be left.  The article suggested that you let them pack a suit case and talk about their new home to alieve the fear.
Some christians have this same fear, but rest assured, God will not leave any of His children.