Paul Wilson (28 March 2011)
"quick question for the opened seal people"

Still waiting and I am sorry but I don’t find Pablo's answer very convincing as we have always had natural disasters and famines and warms and conflict. There has NEVER been peace on earth since the fall. The things you mention are birth pangs and signs but do not represent taking peace away from the earth we would have to have a time were NONE of the things occur for these things to be the taking away of peace. While yes the peace the AC brings is not true peace, which can only be brought by Christ, but a fake peace it will look like and feel like peace then it will be taken away.
As far as saying peace and safety then destruction people have been saying peace for 40 years and how it must be achieved but no peace has been achieved. When people say peace and safety because it actually appears that peace and safety has been achieved then you will see destruction. I have seen NO fake peace that would precede the 2nd seal. This could only happen when the AC signs the peace accords with many. We have had the UN for 60+ years and NO peace. The “come up hither” (Rev 4:1) is the rapture because the seals are as much judgment and wrath as the trumpets and the vials. ALL of it is judgment meted out against a sin filled world and we are not here for judgment we are kept from judgment via the rapture as we are not appointed to it. The faithful are not to be judged with the unfaithful/unrighteous. Our only judgment is at the Bema Seat.
Paul Wilson (14 March 2011)
"quick question for the opened seal people"

for those who say the first few seals have been open the red horse is to ride taking peace from the earth. tell me exactly when that peace was declared and then broken I don’t recall hearing peace on earth declared.