Michael Colunga (11 March 2011)
"To All Doves"

Hello, John and Doves,
Sister Jennie, that is very interesting in the light [almost literally] of Matthew 24.
        " 'Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left.
        " 'Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left."
                                                                                        Matthew 24:40-41
7 a.m. ET is equivalent to 2 p.m. Jerusalem time.  So, this scenario that Jesus painted with
words may well come to pass.
In HaShem,
Mike C.
Jennie (10 March 2011)
"To All Doves:"

On the morning of March 9th, I had a vision of looking up and I saw HEAVEN OPEN.  That was all I saw because my Alarm went off.  It was set for 7 a.m. ET.   Just wanted to share that with everyone.  I think we are getting really really close.  YSIC  Jennie