Linda Hazelton (3 March 2011)
"Diane and Vicki"

John & Doves,
I would like to thank Diane Talsma and Vicki for their gracious advice to Nicole and Fay.
While I am not involved in any way with unions the Holy Spirit extrapolated the advice you
gave to Nicole to me in the experience of politics.   As an educational project for my son
we campaigned for several politicians in the November elections.  After the elections I
realized I had made some mistakes in who I supported because I was inexperienced and
naive in politics!
Your advice was so appropriate (especially the last thre sentences) and said wih so much grace
that I was able to accept it for my own circumstances!  Thank you for being open to the
Holy Spirit!
I have felt much the same way as you described in your comments.
"Then let the LORD lead. He knows the piece He wants to show us
and where it fits into His puzzle."
Excellent advice and a good reminder to me!