Jimmy Lishman (3 March 2011)
"Berean watchman can also receive a WOW moment"

Hi Beloved Doves,

I have evolved the past 4 years into a berean, as I study scripture and only depend on the HOLY SPIRIT to enlighten me in my studies of the scriptures with a very sharp focus on the end times.

I was totally blown off my feet 4 years ago by Pastor Riley and others when I first discovered Five Doves. Things I learnt here I had NEVER experienced in my mainstream church, as anything endtimes was taboo and fraught with controversy.

Now after 4 years I seek only HIS guidance (with a little help of my five doves friends) and HE has illuminated HIS coming for me in ways I would have never expected while studying the scriptures – if I find anything I do not understand or battle to wrap my head around, I just ask HIM immediately in prayer and HE illuminates it for me in such a way that I cannot otherwise believe that the answers come directly from HIM thru the HOLY SPIRIT and I stand as a watchman in the mainstream church creating chaos for some unbelievers all to the glory of HIS name.

Earlier last week, as my day was winding down at about 22h00, I was about to switch off my computer, my mind started to wander over the coming of our SAVIOUR on the clouds (bearing in mind that the last 2 years were financially taxing for everyone including myself – I am self-employed as a computer database consultant)

I thought of that coming moment in time when the LORD calls us up in the blink of an eye – what do we leave behind? A bank can come and reclaim your house or car and resell them and recoup losses – but what would it do with a maxed out overdraft and two maxed out credit cards – that money would be lost to the banks and when they got over the enormous shock of the millions of born again Christians that just disappeared in the blink of an eye, they could say escapism! That’s all the Christians wanted and they would curse us for leaving them to carry the can!

I lifted my eyes up in supplication to the LORD and asked HIM, “Lord, I do not want to leave a bad legacy when YOU take us, and I have no clue how I could repay the money as my income prospects are well below the amount owing, but LORD I do not want to dishonour YOUR NAME – I know YOU will provide BEFORE YOU COME”

I just wanted to check my emails before shutting down for the evening – and lo and behold there was a solitary email from one of my Life Insurance Companies (I had cancelled my policies 2 years ago as I could not afford the payments)  I opened the mail and they let me know that one remaining policy that I had forgotten about, had matured and they would pay out an amount on the 1st of April 2011 – EXACTLY the amount to cover all my debts mentioned above – and on the 1St of April – GREAT IS THE LORD WE SERVE MAY HIS NAME BE GLORIFIED IN ALL THE UNIVERSE


How is that for Timely prayer answering – surely as the LORD has been placing it on my and many others hearts – time has come to the end.


Praise the Name of the MESCHIAG NAGID – the Coming KING OF KINGS – JESUS CHRIST

Love in HIS name
