Jim Bramlett (29 March 2011)
"Momentum building on Obama eligibility issue"

The newsletter of Jim Bramlett
 The momentum is building on Obama eligibility issue
Dear friends:
The momentum is rapidly building!

1.  This morning on Fox and Friends (Fox News Network), the first major public figure expressed doubt that Obama is legally eligible to be President. 

Donald Trump expressed strong reservations, explaining that Obama has hidden everything about his past and has spent millions of dollars in legal fees to hide information about his place of birth.  That alone should cause any reasonable person deep concern.

The Fox hosts and hostess seemed taken back by Trump's remarks, and they quickly changed the subject.  I believe orders from the top to Fox people have been to not touch the subject.   Thus, O'Reilly and Beck cannot be trusted on the issue.  Evidence is that they immediately blow off anyone who brings up the subject, in spite of powerful reasons for concern.  As usual, O'Reilly arrogantly ridicules anyone who disagrees with him.

I am not a Donald Trump fan but I admire his boldness in speaking out on this needful matter.  He is fearless and respected, just what this issue needs.  I hope this will swing the barn door wide open for other public figures to speak out, without fear of being charged as racists by the many professional racists in our society.

2.  WorldNetDaily is beginning a new nationwide campaign to expose the truth.  They plan TV commercials to bust Obama's eligibility wide open.  See http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=279357

Two-time No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi, a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard and a senior staff writer at WND, has written a new book that promises to be a game-changer on the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility.

It's called "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is Not Eligible to Be President."

The result of more than two years of solid investigative research by Corsi and a team of WND reporters and editors, this book is destined to be a huge bestseller and change the dynamics of the debate over eligibility – IF, of course, the book is not spiked by the hostile establishment media when it is officially released in May.

Hopefully, all this will eventually expose the truth about Obama.  Based on the strong evidence I have seen, I personally suspect he is an imposter President, even an illegal alien.  We already know of his Marxist and Muslim past and leanings.  A Constitutional and race crisis may be ahead because all many people can see is his race, and because of his race they denounce anyone who opposes him.  But let it be, and let truth prevail.

How did America get into this crisis?  It may be God's judgment, and if it is there may be nothing we can do about it, especially if it is part of God's end-time plan, except to pray and repent for the nation.  And/or it may be because we have evolved into an entitlement-dependency society where that large segment of society can blindly elect officials who will serve them. 

What can we do?  Pray and tell others about these things.



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